Season 1 Plot
The tale of Junior, a young penguin who defies the odds by transforming into a human to break out of the zoo and reach his ultimate goal, the North Pole, only to find himself trapped once again in a mysterious boarding school. Chaos and tension arise when Sun, a quiet and reserved black panther who also takes human form, is drawn into Junior's desperate plea for escape. As they plot their way out, Sun's primal instincts as a predator clash with a deeper, unexpected hunger that awakens every time he's near Junior. Will Sun fight against his nature, or will his desires consume them both?
Caged Again Season 1 aired on November 15th, 2024.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Episode 1
Junior successfully finds a way into school and gets to know Sun, and the two of them start to interact.
2. Episode 2
Junior shows off his swimming ability, but it makes him a thorn in Nam's side.
3. Episode 3
Junior and Sun join a new club, but trouble comes back to find them.
4. Episode 4
Junior realizes that Sun is feeling down, while a dangerous plot awaits them.
5. Episode 5
Junior realizes Sun already knew who he really was, and Junior comes down with something while out in the woods.
6. Episode 6
Junior can't forget Sont's show of kindness to him, but Junior ends up in danger again.
7. Episode 7
Junior, Sun, Jodd and Jeng open up to each other, and the four of them return to the zoo they know well.
8. Episode 8
Junior celebrates Sun's birthday with everyone, and Sun opens up and invites Junior on a date.
9. Episode 9
Sont uses violence to escape the police, and Junior is held hostage by Sont again.
10. Episode 10
Junior misses Sun deeply, and his longing takes an unexpected turn.