Miniseries Plot
Young Lukas Bienman, an indentured servant in 19th century Prussia, witnesses a murder by the ruthless Count who frames Lukas's father for the crime. After helping his father escape, Lukas flees with the Count's sister and her beautiful daughter, Ursula to Canada - the home of his estranged grandfather.
By Way of the Stars Miniseries aired on December 26th, 1992.
Miniseries Episodes
1. Episode 1
Lukas's life is changed when he witnesses the murder of a local in his Prussian village.
2. Episode 2
After his father's arrest, Lukas is cared for by the Baron's family while waiting to hear from his grandfather in Canada.
3. Episode 3
Lukas and the Baroness fight smallpox on the voyage to America, while Karl experiences racism in the American South.
4. Episode 4
Running from Otto, Lukas and Ursula are rescued by some natives who help the children reach Niagara Falls.
5. Episode 5
After surviving a Sioux attack, Lukas and Ursula arrive at a western settlement with the wagon train. Both Karl and the Baron keep looking for their children.
6. Episode 6
After returning White Feather to the Sioux, Lukas finds that the Sioux remember his presence at the battle and debate his fate. Karl continues westward looking for Lukas.