Bremner, Bird and Fortune

Bremner, Bird and Fortune Season 3: Episode Guide & Ratings

Season 3 Episodes

1. Series 3, Episode 1

January 27th, 20021 hr

The third series found Bremner perfecting his impressions of new Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith and new England football coach Sven-Goran Eriksson.

2. 3-2

February 3rd, 20021 hr

3. 3-3

February 10th, 20001 hr

4. 3-4

February 17th, 20021 hr

5. 3-5

February 24th, 20021 hr

6. 3-6

March 3rd, 20021 hr

7. Series 3, Episode 7

March 10th, 20021 hr

A Jubilee special celebrating the Queens Golden Jubilee.

8. Between Iraq and a Hard Place

January 20th, 20031 hr

The comedy trio Bremner Bird and Fortune bring their viewpoint on the Iraqi crisis in their own unique way We're about to invade Iraq. Again. We invaded in 1917… and 1941… and 1991. This time though, we're dealing with Saddam Hussein. But then, we've been dealing with Saddam for years. Why now? The Americans see the chance to bring traditional Western values to the Middle East (aka the guys with the diapers on their heads): democracy (from the people who brought you George W Bush); freedom (from the people who brought you Guantanamo Bay) and economic prosperity (from the people who bought you Enron). Starring George W Bush, Tony Blair, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and a cast of… well, Rory Bremner, flanked by John Bird and John Fortune as Foreign Office mandarins, convinced that this time they have got it right, and that above all the one thing this is not about is oil…

9. Beyond Iraq and a hard place

May 11th, 20031 hr

The comedy trio Bremner Bird and Fortune bring their viewpoint on the Iraqi crisis in their own unique way We're about to invade Iraq. Again. We invaded in 1917… and 1941… and 1991. This time though, we're dealing with Saddam Hussein. But then, we've been dealing with Saddam for years. Why now? The Americans see the chance to bring traditional Western values to the Middle East (aka the guys with the diapers on their heads): democracy (from the people who brought you George W Bush); freedom (from the people who brought you Guantanamo Bay) and economic prosperity (from the people who bought you Enron). Starring George W Bush, Tony Blair, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and a cast of… well, Rory Bremner, flanked by John Bird and John Fortune as Foreign Office mandarins, convinced that this time they have got it right, and that above all the one thing this is not about is oil…

10. Trust Me I'm a Prime Minister

November 30th, 20031 hr

Rory Bremner and the two Johns return for a one-off special. President Bush is in town, and Tony Blair sees the Special Relationship as a potential means of upping his credibility on the home front. One party conference, a public enquiry, a state visit and a mass demonstration after the war in Iraq supposedly ended and it's time for Tony Blair to submit himself to trial by comedy once more, at the hands of Bremner, Bird & Fortune. With illusionists in the news this year, Tony's ability to get out of seemingly impossible situations will need to be even more impressive than ever. After all, in the words of Alastair Campbell, ‘there is this huge stuff about trust'. With Campbell gone to sharpen his pencil, our PM looks an ever-more isolated figure, out of touch with Cabinet, Parliament and the people. According to an unidentified former Minister, to whom we refer only as ‘Clare Short', Tony Blair is now making an increasing number of decisions in private with his small coterie of co

All Seasons

Season 16

Season 16

May 2, 2010
Season 15

Season 15

Jun 7, 2009
Season 14

Season 14

Nov 2, 2008
Season 13

Season 13

Apr 13, 2008
Season 12

Season 12

Jun 7, 2009
Season 11

Season 11

Apr 13, 2008
Season 10

Season 10

Sep 30, 2007
Season 9

Season 9

Mar 3, 2007
Season 8

Season 8

Mar 4, 2006
Season 7

Season 7

Mar 6, 2005
Season 6

Season 6

Sep 26, 2004
Season 5

Season 5

Feb 1, 2004
Season 4

Season 4

Dec 8, 2002
Season 3

Season 3

Jan 27, 2002
Season 2

Season 2

Mar 4, 2001
Season 1

Season 1

Oct 17, 1999