Bremner, Bird and Fortune

Bremner, Bird and Fortune Season 14

TV Show

Season 14 Episodes

1. Where Did All The Money Go?

November 2nd, 20081 hr

The two Johns use their "George Parr" sketch to explain the mindset of investment bankers "Everybody asking all sort of difficult questions...nit-picking like 'Where the money gone?'... as if I'm supposed to know," "Stupidity and incompetance...that's something we can be very proud of" and there is even a sketch based around the South Sea Bubble, showing how little we had learnt since the early 1700's. Rory Bremner spoofed Gordon Brown, Robert Peston, Dr Rowan Williams, and George Bush, and he has some good lines in his standup (or desk-bound) comedy, laughing at bankers around the globe while explaining the insanity of it all: "Stan O'Neil left Merrill Lynch with a heavy heart, but a heavier wallet." "I happen to know the White House is going to be repossessed any day now." There are apt comparisons with 1929 and the cautious 1950's as well.

2. The China Syndrome

November 9th, 20081 hr

3. Till Debt Do Us Part

November 16th, 20081 hr

4. A Modest Proposal

November 18th, 20081 hr

The final part of the satirical series in which the trio have played the current financial crisis for laughs, but have also conducted a crash course on the head-in-the-sand mindset of the world’s highest-paid bankers as they traded in large amounts of debt.

All Seasons

Season 16

Season 16

May 2, 2010
Season 15

Season 15

Jun 7, 2009
Season 14

Season 14

Nov 2, 2008
Season 13

Season 13

Apr 13, 2008
Season 12

Season 12

Jun 7, 2009
Season 11

Season 11

Apr 13, 2008
Season 10

Season 10

Sep 30, 2007
Season 9

Season 9

Mar 3, 2007
Season 8

Season 8

Mar 4, 2006
Season 7

Season 7

Mar 6, 2005
Season 6

Season 6

Sep 26, 2004
Season 5

Season 5

Feb 1, 2004
Season 4

Season 4

Dec 8, 2002
Season 3

Season 3

Jan 27, 2002
Season 2

Season 2

Mar 4, 2001
Season 1

Season 1

Oct 17, 1999