-The Blue Night Saga- Plot
In the present day, Lucifer's attack on the Earth is underway. But Rin has his own journey to take to learn why he and his brother were born to Satan and a human woman. With the utterly untrustworthy Mephisto Pheles as his guide, Rin travels decades into the past, where he'll witness the long-hidden story of his mother, Yuri Egin.
Blue Exorcist -The Blue Night Saga- aired on January 5th, 2025.
-The Blue Night Saga- Episodes
1. Shiro and Yuri
The artificial Gehenna Gate has completely opened, throwing the material world of Assiah into utter chaos as many humans have now begun to see demons. Amid everything, Yukio leaves the Knights of the True Cross and heads for the Illuminati. Rin decides that he must learn the secret of their birth. He embarks on a journey 40 years into the past with Mephisto's guidance. Rin witnesses the fated meeting between two individuals – an orphan who lives in an abandoned factory named Yuri, and a test subject from Section 13 named Shiro.
2. Truth
Having lost her family in a fire and with nowhere left to go, Yuri meets Shiro, who is on the run from Section 13. Shiro is brought back by the exorcists pursuing him, and he makes a request of Mephisto. Meanwhile, Yuri is taken to the Asylum, a school for exorcists-in-training, due to her ability to see demons. As he watches the two grow up, Rin witnesses the true nature of the Asylum and Section 13.