Black Jack Plot
This is the first animated TV series of the popular manga Black Jack. Basically, it is a faithful production of the original but some adjustments were made in the plots and depiction of surgical scenes to make them acceptable to a wider audience. Moreover, Largo, the family dog, and Sharaku and Wato Chiyoko from The Three-Eyed One join the series as regular characters.
Black Jack Black Jack aired on October 11th, 2004.
Black Jack Episodes
1. The Order of Operations / The Missing Needle
A ferry trip goes bad, and Black Jack saves an Iriomote cat, a baby, and a politician, in that order. The politician sues, but Black Jack saves him from cancer, and he relents. Pinoko saves Sharaku from Kong, a bully, and they become friends. Then, Sharaku becomes sick and Black Jack operates on him, but a runaway gurney causes an IV needle to break off in his vein. Black Jack fails to extract the needle, but by a miracle it comes out on its own.