Series 13 Plot
Big Brother 2012, also known as Big Brother 13, was the thirteenth series of the British reality television series Big Brother, and the second series to broadcast on Channel 5. The series premiered with a live launch on 5 June 2012 and ran for 70 days, concluding on 13 August 2012. The series was originally planned to run for thirteen weeks, but was cut back to ten weeks in order to accommodate Celebrity Big Brother 10. The series was won by Luke Anderson, who won half of the £100,000 prize fund, with the remainder taken by Conor McIntyre as part of the White Room twist. Anderson is the second transsexual contestant to win the show, the first being Nadia Almada who won the show back in 2004. The runner-up was Adam Kelly. The series was announced in April 2011 when Channel 5 signed a two-year contract to air the show. With Big Brother 12 having been broadcast in autumn 2011, this is the first series to air in the show's regular summer period on Channel 5 since it acquired the show from Channel 4 in 2011. There were 16 original housemates, eight men and eight women, who all entered the house on Day 1. Shortly after the first eviction of the series, Becky Hannon, one of three wildcard housemates, was chosen by the public to enter the house on Day 4. For the first time since Big Brother 5, no housemate left the House voluntarily. The only housemate not to be evicted by a public vote was Conor, who left with half of the £100,000 prize fund as part of the White Room twist.
Big Brother Series 13 aired on June 5th, 2012.
Series 13 Episodes
1. The Auditions
Jamie East travels round the country to the Big Brother auditions to meet the best and worst of the applicants hoping to win a place on the show.
2. Live launch
Brian Dowling kicks off the 13th series of the fly-on-the-wall reality show. Over the next couple of hours he introduces a diverse group of fame-seeking individuals who have been chosen to spend their summer invading the nation's living rooms. But with an eviction already looming on Friday, it seems one of them will not be staying long.
3. Day 1
Day one, recap on the launch night with the sixteen new housemates spending there first few hours in the house.
4. Day 2
Tonight, Shievonne takes the mick, Lydia takes offence and Luke's secret is out.
5. Live eviction
Some of the housemates come to blows! See which housemate will be the first to leave the Big Brother house, and which housemate will be going IN!
6. Day 4
See the housemates react from the result of the first eviction and a new housemate is voted in.
7. Day 5
Sausagegate!! A simple sausage causes drama between housemates!
8. Day 6
Paranoia hits the Big Brother house after Becky's secret mission is revealed to the housemates. Sara breaks down for an unexpected reason.
9. Day 7
First full nomination day for the housemates.
10. Day 8
The housemates start their first shopping budget task - despite Big Brothers best efforts to make them do so, they must not smile, giggle or laugh for 2 days.
11. Day 9
12. Live Eviction #2
Live eviction number 2 - who will leave the house, Arron or Chris.