Season 4 Episodes
1. Humanity Is In An Awkward Stage
A message to extraterrestrials, sending nudes, and every office needs a hub.
2. Something for Daddy
Living without regret, the power of the placenta, and everyone has a podcast.
3. It’s a Peachy Abomination
It's an upside-down world for women, legal ramifications of the scrunchies and peri-menopause.
4. No One Wants to be that Lady
A superhero for our times. We're all Dehydrated. Going braless requires a sacrifice.
5. I Always Order Wrong
Groundhog Day. Don't move to Hamilton. A helpful cult.
6. Shangela Was Robbed
Trapped in an airplane middle seat. Only cool babies can come to the party. The Bronte sisters love a bad boy.
7. I Might Still Be Mad in a Week
Sketches include: Thank God it's Friday; a vegan's last meal, and Back pain: the horror!
8. There's a Special Place in Hell
No one wants to be a gay cliche. After 40 you're gonna want to exclusively drink white wine. A fierce Manicure.
9. My Instagram is Suffering
Who wants tickets to Cats? The Circles of Support. Did anyone check the Mouse’s references?
10. Those Chickens Won't Clean Themselves
Breastfeeding bullies. Impossible sex positions. Too accurate tarot card reading.