Specials Episodes
1. Barney's Magical Musical Adventure
Barney's friends are building a sand castle in Derek's backyard when who else but Barney himself appears! With the use of imagination, Barney takes the group on a fun-filled adventure to a real castle. On their journey, they travel through a magical forest where they discover a new friend -- Twynkle the Elf. Once Barney and his young friends reach the castle gate, everyone plays with magical horses and the royal maypole! Then it's time to enter the castle and meet the king, who has a special favor to ask. Soon, Barney and his friends are joined by Baby Bop for songs, a tea party and other castle fun.
2. Love to Read, with Barney
Join Barney on a trip to the library!
3. Barney Live! in New York City
Live in your own home. Barney takes the stage to bring you a musical extravaganza filled with mystery and imagination. Using the Barney Bag, the children create a wonderful thing for everyone to see. But wait. The bag is in the hands of The Winkster, a colorful character who pops up at surprising times and places. As a merry chase develops, Barney becomes the ringmaster at an "Imagination Circus." To retrieve their bag, Barney and his friends must help The Winkster learn how important it is to have friends and to share.
4. Imagination Island
A storybook adventure comes to life when Tosha and Min discover that their wish to sail on a ship to Imagination Island is possible with a little help from Barney! On board, they are surprised to find Baby Bop, BJ, Shawn and Derek. Suddenly, a giant wave strands the ship atop a group of palm trees. As the crew explores the jungle island they meet Professor Tinkerputt – a toy inventor who doesn't want anyone to play with his toys. Can Barney and his friends show the professor that good things happen when you share?
5. Barney Safety
Barney and his friends learn about fire safety with help from Firefighter Frank and his dog Chief. But that's not all…Barney, Baby Bop and BJ become dino-experts on many topics such as seatbelt salty and playing safely by wearing helmets. Now they can share these valuable safety lessons with you!
6. Barney Songs
Join Barney as he leads the viewers into fun songs from Season 3 episodes.
7. Barney's Talent Show
Barney and the kids put on a talent show, with a big one performing a number of songs with others or solo, and some of the kids getting their moment in the spotlight as well even though Stephen has stage fright by himself. Plenty of great costumes and sets, with songs ranging. Even heavier than usual in its music content, this Barney video will delight kids who like to sing-along.
8. Barney's Fun & Games
It's games galore as Barney, Baby Bop, BJ and their friends Jason, Jesse, Kristen and Min try to activate Barney's spectacular Game Machine. Apparently it's empty, and needs to be filled with lots of playthings before it will work. The group collects toys from games they've played and adds them to the Game Machine until a shudder, a quake, and the Game Machine explodes into action! The most fantastic game board appears and allows the children and dinos to participate in the best game day ever!
9. Barney's 1-2-3-4 Seasons
BJ just cannot wait to play all of his favorite outdoor games and sports. But it never seems to be the right season of the year. Barney and his friends help BJ, and with four magical jars and a little bit of imagination, they experience spring, summer, fall and winter – all in one fantastic day of seasonal fun!
10. Once Upon A Time
The words "Once upon a time" prompt a visit from Stella the Storyteller. When her suitcase full of props explodes Barney, Baby Bop! Tosha, Shawn, Carlos and Kristen help her re-pack it. Using Stella's scattered props, they perform light-hearted versions of some classic children's stories: Rumpelstiltskin, Rapunzel, and Goldilocks and the three bears. From "Once upon a time" to "And they all lived happily ever after." it's a day of fun, favorite stories and songs.
11. Barney's Sense-Sational Day
Barney discusses the subject of our five senses, and he encourages the kids to use video to capture everything they see, hear, touch, smell, or taste over the course of a day. When they're done with that, everyone gets involved in making a movie with BJ in the lead, much to his delight. There's only one word to describe this much fun: Sense-Sational!
12. Barney's Musical Scrapbook
Remember when Barney and his friends sailed to Coco Island? Or when the wind came along and blew BJ's hat away? Aaaaah, the memories. One look through Barney's Scrapbook and you'll be reminded of some of the best Barney moments ever...complete with 14 wonderful songs. Relive all the fun, all the music and all the purple...in Barney's Scrapbook. It'll be your favorite for years to come.
13. Camp WannaRunnaRound
After a forest ranger visits the school, Stephen decides he wants to become one too, but there's one big problem: Stephen has never visited a forest before. With a little imagination, Barney whisks Stephen and his friends, Hannah, Kim, and Chip, to Camp WannaRunnaRound for a hiking, camping, Super-Dee-Duper adventure!
14. Barney's Adventure Bus
Hop aboard and get ready for the ride of your life as bus driver Barney takes the whole gang to some of their favorite imaginary destinations. First stop, a castle just for Robert where he can rule in the land of make believe. Then, it's back on the bus and on to Barney's Purple Pepperoni Pizzeria. Then, after a rootin', tootin' ride into the old west for Keesha, followed by a stop at the circus for Baby Bop, it's BJ's turn for adventure. And with a little help from Barney, he soon becomes a one-man, or rather, one-dino band. So climb aboard and grab a seat. It's mile after mile of fun on Barney's Adventure Bus.
15. Barney's Stu-u-upendous Puzzle Fun!
With the ActiMates Barney doll by your side, you can help him solve a ten piece puzzle as well as watching some favorite moments from Season 3 episodes and some home videos.
16. Barney's Good Day, Good Night
It's a warm, sunny day and Barney and his friends are soaking up some wonderful fun. When Robert wishes that just once he could stay up all night long, Barney uses his special "Night Timer" to create “night" during the day. Join the kids as they brush their teeth, put on their pi's and get ready for a long "day's night, compliments of Barney. They discover that nighttime has special sights and sounds all its own. Later, the stars begin to fade and the sky is all aglow with the morning sun…another Good Day/Good Night with Barney.
17. It's Time For Counting
When Stella the Storyteller loses the numbers from her magical alarm clock, it’s up to Barney and his friends to help her find them again. Join in as their number search leads them straight to the library for some good, old-fashioned, storytelling fun. But they’ll have to find those numbers in a hurry, because, when the alarm clock goes off, Stella plans to them all a Barney-sized, Super-Dee-Duper surprise. Get ready to learn to count with Barney in this fun-with-numbers race to the finish.
18. Barney in Outer Space
Barney and the children in the Astronomy Club look through their telescope and see someone staring right back at them! Using the power of imagination, Barney and the kids launch into the cosmos to meet BJ and Baby Bop and receive a visit from a real astronaut.
19. My Party with Barney
Does your child love to watch Barney? If so, now your child can star with Barney in the first ever personalized Barney home video, My Party with Barney. The Barney video that makes your child a star. Your child actually stars on screen with Barney again and again and Barney says your child's name. In the video, Barney, Baby Bop, and BJ throw a surprise birthday party for your child and even interact with him or her. Imagine the excitement when your child stars on screen in My Party with Barney.
20. Barney's Big Surprise
Shhh! Barney the Dinosaur is planning a Super-Dee-Duper surprise party for BJ and it's going to be a musical extravaganza! Professor Tinkerputt will be there. So will Mother Goose and many of her favorite fairy tale friends. From the totally tee-riffic treehouse to Tinkerputt's toy factory, this is one celebration full of fun and music you won't soon forget. But whatever you do, don't tell BJ.
21. Barney's Halloween Party
It's Halloween and Barney and his friends are decorating the gym for an exciting party at the school. From corn to smiling jack-o-lanterns, the gym is aglow with the colors of fall. Meanwhile, BJ and Baby Bop are putting the final touches on their costumes as they get ready for a fun-filled night of trick-or-treating. Finally, evening arrives, the party begins and the trick-or- treaters set out to search for goodies. Unfortunately, after a full night of trying, BJ comes up just a bit empty-handed. But when he and Baby Bop return to school, they soon find out that their friends have plenty of goodies and surprises waiting for them. Sometimes, the best treats at Halloween are good friends.
22. Barney's First Adventures
First experiences in life can be scary for anyone. The first day of school, the first ride on an airplane and the first time riding a bicycle are just a few of the many childhood "firsts" that can make any child anxious. In this charming video, Barney gently guides his new friend, Becky, through these new experiences. Barney, as well as some other famous friends, help Becky learn how new experiences can be fun, especially when shared with good friends. It features clips from the movie, "Barney's Great Adventure".
23. Sing and Dance with Barney
Come celebrate with Barney in this unique tribute to his first ten years. Barney's planned a very special sing along party and invited many of his friends, "old" and "new"! The group enjoys singing their all-time favorites, while being transported to magical places (a farm, a campsite in the woods and a storybook land). It's over 55 minutes of singing and dancing to 27 of Barney's favorite melodies. With special reunion appearances by Kathy, Michael, Tosha, Min and Jason, this is a celebration no Barney fan will want to miss.
24. What A World We Share
Barney is about to embark on a journey around the world and you can share in the fun! Stella the Storyteller has lost her suitcase and Barney and his friends must travel to France. Mexico and Canada to return it to her. Along the way, the kids learn how to share and use good manners from a French magician, a Canadian Mountie and a Mexican piñata -maker. Barney's What a World We Share! teaches us all that "everything is a lot more fun when you share it with a friend.
25. Walk Around The Block With Barney
It's another fun-filled day as Barney and the children make visits to some of the local businesses including Cannoli's Bakery. Bouffant's Barber Shop, the PB&J Cafe and Green's Grocery. They meet many different people and discover the places which make up a neighborhood. With Barney, children will learn that the people who live next door can be more than just neighbors, they can be friends.
26. Let's Play School
With a little help from Barney and a big imagination, the children enjoy a fun-filled day at "Baby Bop's School" where every lesson includes unexpected surprises. Join Ashley, Hannah, Robert and Jeff as they sing an alphabet song, read in Baby Bop's book center, eat macaroni and cheese, and bounce into gym class. When the day is just about done, settle in with Baby Bop and her "blankey" for an afternoon nap. It's an unforgettable day of learning and laughter.
27. Barney's Night Before Christmas
Its an unbelievable Christmas Eve as Barney, BJ and Baby Bop take their friends on a musical journey to the North Pole and bring them face to face with Santa Claus! The excitement builds as Santa leads his guests on a once-in-a-lifetime tour of his brightly decorated home. The children discover his antique music box, see amazing displays of his favorite toys and climb aboard his train for an incredible ride. When Mrs. Claus notices that the elves need help finishing up last minute Christmas chores, she escorts the group to Santa's Toy Factory. Join BJ, Baby Bop and the children as they wait patiently to hear the sound of sleighbells and share in the most magical night of the year with Barney!
28. More Barney Songs
Follow along with Barney, BJ and Baby Bop as they present favorite musical moments from the past. Featuring over 20 songs, rhymes and stories, this 55-minute singing, dancing and laughing extravaganza will leave you shouting for more from your favorite dino trio.
29. Barney's Rhyme Time Rhythm
Ever wonder where Mother Goose lives? Barney, BJ and Baby Bop and the children embark on a whimsical journey to The Land of Mother Goose where all their favourite rhymes come to magical life.
30. Barney’s Super Singing Circus
Barney’s Super-dee-duper Singing Circus has arrived! And it's got everything children want to see: a marching band led by Baby Bop, a carful of silly clowns, a flying squirrel on a trapeze, prancing ponies, a lion tamer, whistling wiener dogs, a strongman and more! And you'll never guess what BJ is planning for the big finale! It's big fun under the big top for Barney and all his friends when this circus comes to town.
31. Come On Over to Barney's House
See Barney's house for the first time ever and share the fun with a houseful of his guests. At Barney's house, imagination can make anything happen at any time. That's why BJ, Baby Bop, and some of their young friends are treated to surprising inventions, rock N roll singing birds, a web-surfing mouse, storybook visitors and much more! But the most important and surprising visitor to Barney's home is...You! Welcome to Barney's house
32. Be My Valentine Love, Barney
Roses are red, violets are blue, and Barney and his friends want to celebrate Valentine's Day with you! Come along with Barney and his friends as they exchange Valentine's wishes and enjoy heartwarming songs and dance. Visit the Queen of Hearts' royal Valentine Castle where there are magical surprises behind every door. With exciting games to play and delightful songs to sing, your imagination will soar as you enjoy this fun-filled Valentine's Day celebration with Barney and his friends!
33. Barney's Musical Castle
Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! Join Barney on a new musical adventure to a faraway castle with flags, trumpets, and knights in shining armor. Barney, Baby Bop and BJ have found a lost crown in the Enchanted Forest and must return it to the king. Joined by children and animal friends, the dinos make their way to the king's castle--a memorable visit featuring dancing, singing and a colorful costume parade. BARNEY'S MUSICAL CASTLE, his third live stage show, has been performed in front of over a million Barney fans. Including over 20 songs and rhymes, this is a royal treat you'll really enjoy--courtesy of your favorite dinosaur!
34. Barney's Dino Dancin' Tunes
Hey kids! Pick you feet up off the floor: it's time to dance with the dinosaur - Barney, that is, in this high-energy, song and dance revue. You can't help but twist and shout to these infectious grooves, a compilation of funky favorites and danceable debuts. So when you're ready to get down to some serious singing and swinging, Barney's got the dino dancin' tunes you'll want to see again and again!
35. Let's Go to the Zoo
For the first time ever, Barney explores a real world location when he takes BJ and Baby Bop on a trip to the zoo! BJ makes the trip a photo safari, taking pictures of all the animals, while Baby Bop looks for a real elephant to show to her doll "Nelly the Elephant." And there's an unexpected guest - Scooter McNutty - who searches the zoo for an exhibit devoted to the noblest of animals: the squirrel! There's an abundance of animal fun and facts, songs and surprises when Barney take YOU to the zoo.
36. Barney's Pajama Party
Put on your PJs and brush your teeth, because it's time to go to a pajama party hosted by one of your best friends! So cuddle up close and get ready for a night full of musical memories courtesy of Barney the dinosaur. There's pizza, popcorn and plenty of your all-time favorite songs. You'll sing the night away as you enjoy moments from classic Barney videos. And some special friends might just drop by, too...like Riders In the Sky and BJ and Baby Bop. So be sure to invite all your pals and don't forget to grab your teddy bear. Barney's Pajama Party is about to begin!
37. You Can Be Anything
What do you want to be when you grow up? Join Barney, and his friends BJ, Robert, Kim, Stephen and Emily as they look through Barney's costume shop and "try" on a few jobs for size. Just imagine and you can be anything!
38. Barney's Beach Party
Surf's up! So grab your towel and put on your sunscreen, Barney has planned a day filled with fun in the sun at the beach! From sail-boating to kite-flying, you'll get plenty of sand between your toes as you enjoy a day of sun, surf and surprises with all your favourite friends. You might even make some new friends, like Mr. Boyd, who'll be on hand to help plan a very special beach party with plenty of treats and authentic hula lessons. And no trip to the beach would be complete without a handmade sandcastle. So get ready to hang ten with your purple pal, and let's go to the beach with Barney!!
39. Round and Round We Go
The wheels are turning, the kids are learning and everyone's having fun. Join Barney and his friend Pop Wheely as they teach the kids all about the finer points of transportation. From bikes to boats to buses, you'll enjoy the ride of your life. It's one full day of 'well-rounded' fun.
40. Barney's Christmas Star
T'is the season to be jolly and to celebrate Christmas! Barney and his friends get into the holiday spirit, by trimming the Christmas tree in the snow-covered park. But something's missing - the shiny, gold star for the treetop! So, it's "over the river and through the woods" to grandmother's attic to search for the missing star. Just imagine all the treasures they discover - little drummer boys and an antique typewriter that's perfect for writing a letter to Santa. The children celebrate with friends and family as Barney places the Christmas star upon the tree!
41. Barney Songs from the Park
Barney's new park is a great place to play! And it's a great place to sing and dance with the world's most musical dinosaur. The pond is a great place to sing "Duckies Do," and the playground is perfect for singing "A Swing Is A Beautiful Thing." There are plenty of places to create musical memories with Barney, including the gazebo and a fun caboose. So tune up and tune in for a musical tour of Barney's park -- it's something to sing about!
42. Read With Me, Dance With Me
Read With Me! The kids are holding a book drive to collect more books for the caboose's library. But, because Baby Bop can't read yet, she can't learn any of the stories. However, with a little help from Barney and the kids, they act out the stories for Baby Bop. They even decide to make their own books! Dance With Me! Barney's old friend, Min, visits the park and both of them help BJ realize that all kinds of dancing are fun!
43. Barney’s Best Manners
When a surprise package arrives from Miss Vera Goode with her new "Book of Manners for Children", Barney's friends question why minding their manners is so important. Barney explains that they have the perfect opportunity to be on their best behavior because they're invited to a party! Then their polite purple pal helps his friends brush up Your Invitation To Fun! on the rules of etiquette by bringing Mother Goose rhymes to life and taking the children on a magical trip to Alice in Wonderland's "Mad Tea Party." Whether it's sneezing, sharing, cleaning up or using good table manners, Barney helps them discover that using their best manners is fun.
44. Happy Mad Silly Sad
Love makes Barney's world go 'round, and the huggable dinosaur encourages his friends to express and understand their emotions in healthy ways. From creating masks to decorating a "Friends & Family Tree" with hearts, Barney uses fun songs and games to help his friends get in touch with their feelings. And he reminds them that manners, sharing and taking turns are great ways to show you care about others. It's always a happy day of fun and learning when you spend it with Barney and his friends.
45. Movin' and Groovin'
Barney and his friends are movin’ and groovin’ to the beat of the music! As they learn about rhythm and create their own musical instruments, Barney leads the band with a rat-a-tat-tat and a rooty-toot-toot. And they discover there are lots of ways to get a move on as they do the the Dino Dance. Then, after wiggling through a game of Simon says, they’re off to the races. Barney’s friends discover the fun of movement while making beautiful music together!
46. Let's Pretend with Barney
Imagine the fun you'll experience with Barney and his friends as they build their own airplane and go on a tropical island adventure. From pretending to be a pirate in search to find buried treasure, Barney's friends discover that creativity lets them soar on the wings of imagination!
47. Now I Know My ABCs
"B" is for Barney, Baby Bop, and BJ! No matter how you spell it, Barney's friends have F-U-N learning the ABCs, colors, and more! Baby Bop discovers the excitement of writing her name, and the children get everything in shape for the most colorful art show ever! Whether drawing a cat made of triangles or a train made of squares, using their imagination helps kids learn about shapes and colors. Can you guess what Baby Bop will draw that is shapes like a rectangle? It's soft, yellow, and nice to hug! How do you spell "learning?" B-A-R-N-E-Y!
48. Barney's Colorful World!
Barney has your ticket to adventure as he brings the magic of his colorful stage show to video. Join the purple dino-star and his co-stars, Baby Bop and BJ, as they visit exciting places and make new friends, including a tap-dancing monkey, an ice-skating polar bear and a starfish who sings rock and roll! Imagine flying to a rainforest, dancing with penguins in the Arctic, and exploring the colorful world under the sea. Sing and dance along with Barney on a magical, musical trip around our colorful world!
49. Ready, Set, Play!
From their heads to their toes, Barney keeps his friends moving as he shares the importance of activity and exercise for healthy growth. Whether walking, crawling, running or skipping, Barney’s friends are getting shape. And playing games adds to the fun of feeling fit! Fell hungry after exercising? Then munch on some crispy, crunchy foods from Barney’s healthy snack bar. Let the fun and games begin!
50. Let's Go to the Farm
It's fun on the farm with Barney! Come join Barney, Baby Bop and BJ as they take their friends on a fun-filled adventure to a farm. They meet and play with baby animals, take a pony ride and learn all about farm fresh fruits and veggies! They also explore the barn and enjoy fresh air and sunshine while singing their favorite songs. The day ends with some homemade ice cream and a big barn dance.
51. Just Imagine
Get ready to laugh and learn as Barney and his friends take a tee-riffic trip and learn about four-wheeled ways to get around! From fire trucks to dump trucks to bumping up and down in a little red wagon, you can travel anywhere and build anything when you use your imagination. Join the dinos and their friends as they watch vehicles on a real construction site and are inspired to build a castle from boxes on this fun-filled afternoon. Come join the fun, just use your imagination!
52. Everyone Is Special
Join Barney and his friends on a dino-mite day in the park as they celebrate all the things that make them special! From special talents and skills to their very own hair color, the kids find the fun in being unique. The adventure continues when one friend announces a tiny addition to his family – a new baby, and the group learns all about being a super brother or sister! Young or old, short or tall, big or small – Barney knows that from head to toe, everyone is special!
53. The Land of Make-Believe
The imagination runs wild when Barney and his friends BJ and Baby Bop travel to the Land of Make Believe. There, they encounter a little storybook princess with a big problem: she can't find her way back to her kingdom! The friendly purple dinosaur and his pals undertake to help her, and along the way they meet a beautiful mermaid, swim with the dolphins, and get to know a magician. But as much fun as they are having, the poor Princess still has to make it home, and Barney and his friends must find their way back as well. Will all the new friends be able to make it to their respective destinations? The possibilities are limited only by the imagination!
54. Can You Sing That Song?
Live from your imagination, it's time to sing lots of your favorite songs with "Barney's Musical Game Show"! Barney, Baby Bop, and BJ can't wait to play in this day of interactive musical challenges. There are songs to sing, clues to solve and surprises from some fairy-tale friends. With Barney, the name of the game is fun!
55. Let's Make Music
It's time for a musical adventure at Barney's Fantasy Fair! When a little girl named "Melanie" dreams of playing her violin in a talent show, Barney, Baby Bop, and BJ help her realize her dreams with the help of a new dino friend, "Riff", who is Baby Bop's and BJ's cousin. Riff knows how to find music everywhere! Then, he shows the friends all about music and sounds as they sing songs, ride amazing rides, and play games! They also discover that some dreams are even bigger than they imagined. So, let's go to the fair, join in the fun, and let's make music together!
56. Let's Go to the Fire House
Join Barney and his friends on a super-dee-duper adventure to a fire house and learn what it’s like to be a firefighter!
57. Dino-Mite Birthday
Surprise! Barney's friends are getting ready to throw him a SUPER-DEE-DUPER surprise birthday party! Join in on the fun and celebrate Barney's special day!
58. Celebrating Around The World
Join Barney and his friends on a magical adventure on Barney's Imagination Unlimited and explore the different types of celebrations around the world.
59. Barney's Animal ABC's
Baby Bop, BJ, and Riff can't decide on a fun game to play with alphabet blocks. So, with some help from Megan's dog Gracie, Barney decides that Baby Bop, BJ, Riff, and the kids should use the alphabet blocks to find animals that start with each letter. From A-Ants to Z-Zebra, learning the alphabet has never been so much fun!
60. Hi! I'm Riff!
Riff wants to start a club, but he doesn't know what type. So, Barney and his friends give him ideas on different kinds of clubs they would like. Riff finally makes the decision to start a "Best Friends Club", where he and his friends can do whatever they would like!
61. The Best of Barney
Are you ready for some Tee-riffic fun? Laugh and sing with your favorite purple pal, Barney, in this super-dee-duper collection celebrating 20 years of enchanting imagination. Barney's opening his magical memory chest to share the best and brightest moments - from the charming songs and piano tunes, to elephant rides, car racing and more! See the stories that made Barney the most beloved dinosaur by children for over 20 years. Don't miss your chance to enjoy this special treat!
62. Once Upon a Dino-Tale
Barney and his friends share everyone's favorite fairy tales including Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, The Emperor's New Clothes, and other timeless stories.
63. Top 20 Countdown
It's time to sing and dance to Barney's top 20 countdown of your favorite songs! Along with Baby Bop and BJ, Barney shows you how to sing and count at the same time and how to move your feet to some great beats. So grab a friend and sing along to some of the best songs like "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe" and the classic "I Love You." It's a musical adventure of learning and fun that the whole family will enjoy.
64. Let's Go on Vacation
Barney, Baby Bop and B.J. pack their bags for a musical adventure around the world in this family-friendly special about new faces, exotic places and making friends wherever you go -- whatever the destination.
65. Barney's Jungle Friends
Grab your safari hat and get ready for a one-of-a-kind musical jungle adventure! Join your best friends, Barney, BJ , and Baby Bop as they laugh, dance, and sing through an enchanted rainforest and learn about all of the amazing plants, animals, and insects that call the rainforest their home. Watch and learn as kids play with monkeys, collect butterflies, and search for the legendary Higgledy Piggledy Pear Tree in this super-dee-duper? tale of friendship and fun!
66. Let's Play Outside
Get ready for great outdoor adventures with Barney and Friendsâ„¢! Join everyone's favorite purple dinosaur on magical journeys filled with fun and excitement as they branch out and enjoy the outdoors with activities, exercising, discovery and just relaxing along the way. Come along with Barney, Baby Bop and BJ for big-time fun under the stars that the whole family will enjoy.
67. A-Counting We Will Go
While having a fun filled day with counting, Barney and the kids decide to have a counting party inside the caboose. They get started on decorating inside the caboose and sending out invitations. While they wait for all of their friends to get there, Barney tells the viewers about the time when Baby Bop learned to count. Soon after Barney tells the story, Baby Bop, BJ, and Riff join them. They jump right in to play some number games. Then they are also joined with some friends. And while having fun, the kids learn an important lesson — you can't go wrong when you have friends to count on!
68. Best Fairy Tales
Once upon a time in a land of friendship and fun, a fairy-tale celebration had just begun! In this collection of enchanted stories, Barney, BJ, and Baby Bop share their favorite tales about Goldilocks, Elves, Tortoises and Hares. Let your imagination unfold as you delight in new dances and plays, and learn that no one is too big or too small, but that everyone is perfect just the way they are! With your beloved dino friends by your side, you'll be sure to live happily ever after!
69. I Can Do It!
Are you ready for big-kid fun? Join BJâ„¢, Claire and Jade as Barney teaches them that even if you're not big enough to do all the things your friends are doing, there are new friends to meet and new games to play right now. Discover that big-sized fun is waiting for you every morn-ing, and every day you grow is loaded with Tee-riffic adventures!
70. Big World Adventure
Climb aboard a big balloon with Barney, Ben and Emma as they embark on a super-dee-duper world adventure! The friends visit everywhere they can imagine in this all-new movie! Together they encounter princesses and kings, musicians and magicians, puppeteers and artists across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. As the trio experiences new cultures and languages from around the world, Barney demonstrates the importance of the most universal language of all: friendship.
71. A Very Merry Christmas
A very merry celebration is about to begin! Join your favorite purple dinosaur as he travels to the North Pole to discover the wonders of Santa's workshop, decorates the Christmas caboose, and teaches Baby Bop that the magic of Christmas is about giving, not receiving. Barney makes all of your Christmas wishes come true with dino-sized friendship and fun in this festive holiday movie!
72. I Love My Friends
Katie, Logan, and Olivia are planning to take their stuffed animal friends for a tour around the park. Baby Bop brings the wagon for the animals to ride in. But when their wagon breaks, it takes a friend, just like BJ, to put it back together. However, not all animals can fit in the wagon. Learning about the horrible feeling of being left out, BJ proclaims that no animal should be left out. Barney produces a bigger wagon for all the animals to fit in.
73. A Super-Dee-Duper Day
While in the park, Ben shows Emma a brand new toy remote-controlled helicopter he got. While showing Emma how it works, Barney arrives. Shortly after, Ben's toy helicopter gets out of control and it breaks. Ben claims that there is nothing more fun than flying his toy helicopter. While thinking of fun things to do, Barney brings up the time they had a Sports Day in the park ("A Game for Everyone: A Sports Adventure"). Then they talk about their favorite games/toys they like to play, and Barney says that his favorite toy to play with is a ball, and tells the story of how many of the balls disappeared in the park ("To Catch a Thief: A Mystery Adventure"). In the end, Ben finds out there are more fun things to do than play with his toy helicopter.