Season 4 Plot
In Season 4 of "Back from the Brink," Derek Mooney travels across Europe, highlighting the tireless efforts of conservationists working to address the environmental challenges caused by human activity. The season focuses on how collaboration with nature is essential in solving the biodiversity crisis and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Through inspiring stories of species recovery and ecosystem restoration, the series demonstrates that positive change is possible, one step at a time, when people work together to protect and preserve our natural world.
Back From The Brink Season 4 aired on May 12th, 2024.
Season 4 Episodes
1. Season 4, Episode 1
Derek goes on a journey across Europe and celebrates the work of wildlife conservationists by showing how by working with nature we can help solve the problems humans have created.
2. Season 4, Episode 2
Presenter Derek Mooney looks at how European conservationists are working to stem the tide of a biodiversity crisis and climate change, one step at a time.