Australia's Ocean Odyssey: A journey down the East Australian Current

Australia's Ocean Odyssey: A journey down the East Australian Current Season 1

TV Show

Season 1 Episodes


1. The Tropics

June 9th, 20201 hr

Journey down the East Australian Current all the way from the Great Barrier Reef to Antarctica. Discover how ocean currents create life on our planet and what you can do to protect our planet's blue heart.


2. The Sub-Tropical Zone

June 16th, 202058 min

Ride the East Australian Current through the subtropical marine environments of New South Wales with a pod of migrating humpback whales, we explore how the warm flow sustains and transforms whole ecosystems.


3. The Temperate Zone

June 23rd, 202059 min

As we reach the end of the East Australian Current, its remaining flow mixes into the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the Indian Ocean. Our whales finally leave Tasmania's temperate waters on their journey to Antarctica.