Season 2 Episodes
1. Episode 1
Squizzy, skipper of the Bold Contender, is heading out early hoping to get a jump on the fleet and capitalise on the red-hot lobster price, which is at a season-high. He's hunting around Bruny Island in Southern Tasmania, targeting 1,900 brindle lobsters during the season, and he's under huge financial pressure to pull it off.
2. Episode 2
The lobster price is holding strong above 100 dollars per kilo, but the lobster boat teams have all run into major problems. Team Kai Koura and Team Ansons Bay are targeting a combined total of 1,000 big reds, but they only have five days to make it pay.
3. Episode 3
Newcomer Steve Hursey is pulling his first shot of the winter run, and there's a lot riding on it. The Hursey family's sea-to-plate restaurant is low on lobster stocks, and it's Steve's job to re-fill them. He's fishing around Hunter Island, an area known for giant reds and howling westerly winds, but the weather is the least of Steve's worries. The rope line to one of his pots is tangled, and it's threatening to pull deckhand Jamie overboard.
4. Episode 4
Team Bold Contender is heading to the formidable Pedra Branca, a location famous for its monster waves. Not many lobstermen hunt around Pedra Branca, because the swell is just too rough.
5. Episode 5
Life at sea can be a lonely place, especially when you're not catching lobsters. The pots of Skipper Squizzy and Deckie Tabor are coming up empty because the mysterious pyrosomes are back.
6. Episode 6
Team Ella Rose is hunting for big reds near Three Hummock Island in northern Tasmania. They've already caught the biggest lobster of the season, but they want more.
7. Episode 7
Team Bold Contender is off to a blistering start in the final leg of its winter run. Skipper Squizzy's carrying more than 30,000 dollars' worth of lobsters on board, but they've hit a major crisis.
8. Episode 8
It's the last week of the winter rock lobster hunting season, but the powerful Bass Strait tide is dragging the Ella Rose dangerously close to the razor-sharp rocks of Three Hummocks Island.