Season 1 Episodes
1. The Wild West
A '70s German H&K P7 pistol; a rare 1910 copper cash register.
2. The Big Score
1800s British Pepperbox handgun; pre WWI Lionel train set.
3. Ton's Got a Gun
A depression era ``Art Case'' slot machine; a custom mini-bike; a Wild West 1800s Colt Peacemaker.
4. Strat'ed for Cash
Ton and Allen stake out a high-end auction. They uncover a Maui Blue '70s Fender Stratocaster and a rare 1936 jet-inspired Schwinn, but will this rusty ride rake in the riches?
5. The Real Thing
Clinton and Allen find a vintage Coke vending machine and a classic truck in their auction wins.
6. Weapons of Past Destruction
Muskets dating to the Civil War period and a polygraph machine are among the items Clinton and Allen find in storage units they win this week.
7. Gangster Whiskey
A rare baseball card, a classic jukebox and an early model CD player are among items found by Alan and Clinton in their auction wins.
8. Home on the Gun Range
An old penny arcade game and a shotgun that is more than one hundred years old are among the items Allen and Clinton find in units they win at auction.