Season 1 Plot
Base on Japanese manga series written and illustrated by tetsuro Kasahara, with writing contributions by Makoto Tezuka and Masami Yuki. The series is a prequel to Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy manga series, depicting the events up until the birth of "Astro Boy". Opening Theme "Kaidoku Funou" is performed by After the Rain". Ending Theme "Hikari no Hajimari" is performed by Yoshino Nanjou.
Atom: The Beginning Season 1 aired on April 15th, 2017.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Birth of the Mighty Atom
An experiment with A106 doesn't quite go as expected which leaves Hiroshi late for his part-time job and Umataro tending to his wounds.
2. Bewusstsein
Hiroshi and Umataro present at Nerima University for their work on A106. Meanwhile, Ran has some trouble head her way.
3. Pursuing the Respective Leads
An odd inspector stops by looking for a robotic dog, and the whole gang ends up trying to help him find it.
4. Welcome to Nerima U Festival
Hiroshi and Umataro are struggling to bring in customers with their udon during the school festival. Meanwhile, Ran and Motoko are attacked.
5. Step on it! Maruhige Shipping
Umataro, Hiroshi, and Six help Motoko move into her new place, but on the way to make the delivery, something goes amiss with the robots in town.
6. Lab 7's Annihilation
Horoshi and Umataro get in a fight, and both are unwilling to apologize. Motoko tries to reunite the guys by reminding them why they became partners.
7. Ran and Princess Teru
Ran and her teammates are busy preparing for a robot competition when Hiroshi makes a surprise visit to her club. How does Ran's robot do?
8. Robot Wrestling
The robot wrestling tournament is underway, and Six has his hands full with his first challenge. Is he able to overcome it?
9. Six is Unfit to Fight
The robot wrestling tournament continues as Six advances into the semi-finals, yet he doesn't seem to be ready for the next round. What could be wrong?
10. Battle Royal
The ultimate robot battle is here! The faceoff between Dr. Lolo and Umataro is on. Who will come out the victor?
11. A Dialogue
The final showdown between Mars and Six begins. Which robot will come out on top?
12. Beginning
Umataro and Hiroshi try to figure out a way to fix Six, which begs the question: was the Bewusstsein project successful?