Arquivo Oculto

Arquivo Oculto Season 2: Episode Guide & Ratings

Season 2 Episodes

1. A Lenda do Chupacabra

October 3rd, 202322 min

Lorelay Fox brings a new mysterious case, the chupacabra outbreak, which was first reported in 1995 in the famous Puerto Rico. The case began when a housewife filed a complaint after finding 150 dead animals in the city of Canóvana - Puerto Rico. And, to better explain this subject, Lorelay welcomes YouTuber and content producer about cases of horror, fantasy and mythology, and author of the book “Os Quase Completos”, Felippe Barbosa and, Emilio Garcia, Biologist, Master in Ecology, Scientific Communicator and co-founder of the BlaBlaLogia channel.

2. Terror no Cecil Hotel

October 10th, 202330 min

In this episode, Lorelay Fox brings a new mysterious case from the Cecil Hotel. Cecil Hotel opened in the 1920s in Los Angeles, California, and to this day hosts secrets, mysteries and terror in its rooms. The building is surrounded by chilling cases, involving suicides, ghosts, unexplained deaths and serial killers. And, to help us with mysteries, we invited Mabê, who is a writer, scriptwriter and podcaster, fan of true crime, conspiracy theories and bizarre cases. Host of the podcasts “Modus Operandi” and “Caso Bizarro” and Ju Cassini, content creator about scary, bizarre and mysterious cases. But what does specialist Fernando Gomes, who is a Neurosurgeon, Neuroscientist, Free Professor at the USP Faculty of Medicine and creator of the Olho Clínico program, available on his YouTube channel, have to tell us about it?

3. Projeto MK Ultra

October 17th, 202325 min

In this episode, Lorelay Fox talks about the mysterious MKUltra, a project carried out by the CIA, which sought to carry out illegal experiments on humans for military purposes. Let's investigate what the project was, whether it was as successful as expected, what is truth and what is fiction, the consequences of this period and how the program served as inspiration for stories like Stranger Things. But who helped in this case? Julia Cassini, who has a channel about scary, bizarre and mysterious cases, and Daniel Mafra, who is a History Professor with an emphasis on Human Sciences and works through Human Sciences Training Itineraries and Scientific Research Projects in educational institutions.

4. Casos de Exorcismo

October 24th, 202333 min

Lorelay Fox talks about exorcisms. Remember the Hollywood scenes of vomiting, spinning necks, macabre voices and objects flying through the air? Yes, but is all this true? What does science say about this? What are the main true cases and which ones went wrong? What is the Roman Ritual? Can all priests perform exorcisms? To answer all these questions and take advantage of the hype surrounding the release of the new The Exorcist film, which premiered on October 13, expert Wellington Zangari, who has a Doctorate in Social Psychology, a Master's degree in Religious Sciences, and is a Professor and a Researcher at the Institute of Psychology at USP and co-coordinator of InterPsi USP and Mabê were invited to comment further on these bizarre cases.

5. Deep Web

October 31st, 202323 min

Lorelay Fox talks about the depth of the Deep Web. Let's understand how it all started, what is true and what is fiction, what are the most common services found there, the differences between the dark web and surface web and why the authorities cannot put an end to this mechanism. And to investigate this case, the guests are: Lola Aronovich who has a Doctorate in English Literature, is a university professor and feminist activist, author of the blog "Escreva Lola, Escreva", constantly persecuted on the internet by extremists; her case inspired the Lei Lola ("Lola Law" in free translation), legislation against misogyny on the internet. And also experts Thiago Bordini and Luiza Leite.

6. Seitas do Mal

November 7th, 202333 min

Lorelay Fox will reveal the stories and secrets of the world's main sects, such as: Jonestown, Heaven's Gate, the Manson Family, among others. Furthermore, she will explain what a cult is (and what it has to do with religious cults), the main characteristics of a leader, the BITE method and the concept of satanic panic. And the guests this time are: Fabi Marques and Jéssica Gomes, members of the trio of co-hosts of "1001 Crimes" alongside Bruna Roberta. The podcast addresses real crimes that have occurred throughout history. And also Professor Daniel Gontijo, who is a Master and Doctor in Neurosciences, Professor, Researcher and Scientific Communicator, specialist in Psychology of Religion, CEO of Instituto Ponto Azul and YouTuber.

7. Casos de OVNIs no Brasil

November 14th, 202332 min

Last season, we took a look at the 1986 Brazilian UFO incident, an episode that marked Brazil in the late 1980s, when around 21 UFOs were seen in the skies over several cities across the country. In this episode, Lorelay Fox tells more details about this story, showing the developments and records of who was involved in the investigation. The guests are Bruno Bock, Founder and host of the channel Pipocando and the expert Marcelo Rubinho, who is an Astronomer and astrophysicist, and Master in Astronomy from IAG-USP.

8. True Crime: Os Sequestros de Jan Broberg

November 21st, 202329 min

Lorelay Fox talks about the "True Crime" of Jan Broberg, a 12-year-old girl, who was kidnapped twice by the same person, Robert Berchtold, a seemingly harmless neighbor. This true crime case is surrounded by utterly chaotic events, involving alien abduction, kidnapping and contradictory relationships. And who helped unravel it? Jaqueline Guerreiro, who is a Journalist and has one of the largest true crime channels in Brazil and, Dr. Hilda Morana, who has a Doctorate in Forensic Psychiatry, a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and is Founder of the Personality Disorders Outpatient Clinic at the Institute of Psychiatry at Hospital das Clínicas of Faculty of Medicine at USP, and works at the Care Center for Victims of Psychopaths (Cavips).

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Season 2

Oct 3, 2023
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