Season 12 Plot
Season 12 follows Archer and gang as they face a new threat: a spy conglomerate known as IIA (International Intelligence Agency). With a limited number of spy jobs up for grabs, can the Agency compete against the soulless vultures of IIA, or will our mom-and-pop spy agency be the next to get swallowed alive?
Archer Season 12 aired on August 25th, 2021.
Season 12 Episodes
1. Identity Crisis
Archer and the gang just saved the world from a nuclear catastrophe and their reward is five nights in a rat-infested Moldovan hotel.
2. Lowjacked
The Agency embarks on a team building exercise that doesn't quite get off the ground.
3. London Time
A mission across the pond turns into a trip down memory lane for Malory while Cheryl/Carol teaches Pam about British history.
4. Photo Op
Archer and Lana face off against snakes, crocodiles and mercenaries to reunite a family.
5. Shots
Sex, drugs, and monster trucks! Archer and the gang celebrate another barely successful mission.
6. Dingo, Baby, Et Cetera
Lana makes rookie mistakes as ghosts from Archer's past haunt him on a special mission.
7. Colt Express
A mysterious stranger and a scavenger hunt helps Archer and the gang get a jump on their enemies.
8. Mission: Difficult
Archer is trapped inside IIA headquarters and Barry is trapped inside Other Barry.