Season 1 Plot
Male student Souta Tsukishima begins working at his family's public bathhouse as a back washer. While concealing her true identity, Souta's classmate Aoi Yuzuki visits the bathhouse. A relationship between the two begins to develop when Souta washes Aoi's back.
Araiya-san! Ore to Aitsu ga Onnayu de!? Season 1 aired on April 8th, 2019.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Slimming Massage
Aoi and Souta are classmates, but not the best of friends. Actually Aoi is continiusly harassing Souta. At home Souta grandfather has got a backhache, so Souta has to step in for him at the family owned bathhouse. That day the women's volleyball team has decided to try out the bath.
2. Special Touch
Souta heard that Aoi actually loves him. Now the teams captain wants a massage as well.
3. Absolute discretion in the showers
After Aoi found out that it was Souta that gave her the massage, and that he gave the same massage to the captain. Aoi now feels a bit jealous.
4. I can't hide my love
After the massage in the shower room was over, the women's volleyball team suddenly appears. Aoi hides Souta in her shower cubicle.
5. Overlapping Under the Covers
Aoi is absent from school, The captain sends Souta to check up on her on behalf of the club. Club member Takatsuki is also sent on there by the captain.
6. Love Triangle at 93°C
The club is on a school trip. Of course, the other boys is of the opinion that means an obligation to take a peek in the women's bathroom.
7. A Burning Confession
Alone in the Sauna, it's finally time for the confession.
8. Feelings That Cannot Be Washed Away
After losing consciousness in the sauna, Sauta wakes up in Aoi's room, resting on her lap.