Myth of Emotions Plot
The Aquarion, a giant mechanized fighting suit, is humanity’s best weapon against interstellar threats. Human pilots trained and worked together to defeat Shadow Angels, invading Abductors, and kinetic energy monsters over thousands of years. Once again, humanity must turn to the Aquarion. With the fate of the Earth hanging in the balance, will the suit be enough to save mankind?
Aquarion Myth of Emotions aired on January 10th, 2025.
Myth of Emotions Episodes
1. What She Told
Otori Sakko is a second-year student at Enoshima Academy, a private school for gifted students. Cocky and fearless, he is often shunned by his peers. One day, Sakko's recently deceased friend Sayo reappears and starts talking about 12,000 year-old myths.
2. A Wish for Carnations
The Elementals learn that the beast they fought is a Shadow Angel from mythic space. Their role is to fuse the Vector Machines into Aquarion and fight those enemies back. Sakko recalls playing with Sayo, Momohime, and a certain robot in an Enoshima cave.