Season 2 Plot
One of television’s most groundbreaking true crime series, America’s Most Wanted, returns to FOX with its prolific and Emmy-Award winning series host John Walsh stepping back into his role, this season with his son, Callahan Walsh, joining him as co-host. Each week, John and Callahan will turn to viewers’ leads and information as they analyze some of the nation’s most gripping cases, ranging from horrific murders and deadly drug rings to devastating teenage overdoses and more. In addition, they will consult with a team of experts representing law enforcement units to weigh in on cases featured on the program.
America's Most Wanted Season 2 aired on January 22nd, 2024.
Season 2 Episodes
1. John Walsh Returns
John Walsh returns as host with his son Callahan.
2. Exclusive Fugitive Reveal
Analyzing some of the nation's most gripping cases; a team of experts representing law enforcement units weighs in on the cases.
3. Gold Bar Heist
A team of experts representing law enforcement units weighs in on the cases.
4. 9-1-1 Dispatcher Saves Victim
Breaking down tough cases in the pursuit of justice with the help of an accomplished team of law enforcement experts.
5. Georgia's Biggest Drug Ring
Breaking down tough cases in the pursuit of justice with the help of an accomplished team of law enforcement experts.
6. Young Love Ends in Murder
Analyzing some of the nation's most gripping cases.