Our Communities Plot
Our Communities. The 1940s and '50s were an age of transition for American suburbs. This series encapsulates the essence of this period. It begins with a tour of New York's streets as they were in 1941, peeps at the activities that go on round the clock in the city. A wonderful viewing experience for all those who wish to see the American suburbs as they were in '40s and '50s.
American Suburbia Our Communities aired on June 1st, 2005.
Our Communities Episodes
1. Arteries of New York
Shows transportation corridors leading into and out of New York City, and efforts at transportation and infrastructure planning.
2. Our Community
Illustrates the interdependence of people in a community by showing shared community functions and services. Depicts police and fire protection, health safeguards, and park and recreational facilities. Points out how members of the community are interdependent.
3. The Best Made Plans
Loving tribute to Saran plastic wrap as an indispensable household accessory. Uses the setting of a young child's birthday party to show how Saran Wrap can be used both for food preservation in the refrigerator and freezer and as an element in creative home and party decorations.
4. In The Suburbs
Thoughtfully made advertising sales promo film extolling 1950s suburbanites as citizens and consumers. Shows typical facets of the family life of young couples living in the suburbs. Points out how Redbook Magazine, aimed exclusively at young adults, is of value to them. This is the movie about suburbia as it is widely imagined in pop culture.