America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston

America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston Specials: Episode Guide & Ratings

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Specials Episodes

1. Understory | The Scientist Surfing to Fight Climate Change

August 18th, 2022

Baratunde Thurston meets Cliff Kapono, a Native Hawaiian who is using both science and surfing - or rather, his surfer’s understanding of the ocean - to protect coral reefs around the world. Cliff also discusses how surfing, coral reef restoration, and science are all intertwined and woven into his identity as a Native Hawaiian.

2. Understory | Meet the Suburban Deer Hunters of Long Island

September 1st, 2022

Baratunde Thurston meets Jacqueline Molina, a member of a new group of hunters embracing the sport. Her weapon of choice is a bow & arrow, and while some of the reasons why she hunts are rooted in tradition, others are related to conservation. Deer overpopulation is a big problem in Long Island, NY, and hunting is the primary - but also the most controversial - method of managing deer populations.

3. Understory | The Fossil Hunter Uncovering Florida’s Past

September 15th, 2022

Baratunde Thurston meets Jonathan Valentine who dives, digs, and searches for fossils all over Florida. Some of his discoveries include Megalodon Shark teeth, American Mastodon molars, and even an extinct Rhino tooth. But fossil hunting in Florida is more than just a hobby. It’s also a way citizens can uncover the state’s prehistoric past and contribute to the field of paleontology.

4. Understory | How the Houseplant Boom Fueled Plant Poaching

October 5th, 2022

Baratunde Thurston meets Stephen Camp, an all-around plant lover, who became a plant parent during the Pandemic. Houseplants have brought him much joy and allowed him to remain connected to nature even within the confines of his home. It’s also exposed him to the illegal plant trade. With more people becoming plant parents, Stephen hopes to educate and raise awareness about this issue.

5. Understory | Rock Climbing's Troubled Route Naming Tradition

October 20th, 2022

Baratunde Thurston meets Favia Dubyk, an avid rock climber who has been bouldering for over a decade. However, as a black woman, climbing hasn’t been easy. Favia discusses the problematic route names and other aspects of the sport that have created unwelcoming environments for people like her, as well as, how the climbing community is working to make the sport more inclusive for all.

6. Understory | What's It Like To Be A Falconer

November 3rd, 2022

Baratunde meets Hesper Lana Fang, a falconer who lives with an American Kestrel named Goji, but the relationship between Hesper and her bird is not one of owner-and-pet. Hesper explains how falconry is a form of conservation that offers people an intimate connection with wildlife.

7. Understory | The Movement to Save Our Night Skies

September 14th, 202313 min

Explore one town’s mission to become a Dark Sky Community, while researchers discover how darkness is not just important to experience the wonders of the cosmos - it’s vital to maintain healthy ecosystems and save the migrations of America’s birds.

8. Understory | We’re Running Out of Sand

September 28th, 202314 min

From skyscrapers to cell phones, the modern world is built on sand, and we are running out. Baratunde Thurston learns why solving the sand crisis matters to the future of the planet—and the outdoor environments we cherish.

9. Understory | Can Ancient Wisdom Save the Forests?

October 19th, 202312 min

Forests are in trouble from climate change and being harvested faster than we can replenish them. But an indigenous community in Wisconsin is setting an example for a better way and traditional knowledge could be the answer to saving our trees.

10. Understory | Can Dam Demolition Save California's Salmon?

November 6th, 202312 min

A hundred years ago the Klamath River was dammed and diverted, changing the landscape and the salmon population. Now, those same dams are being torn down. What will letting the river run wild mean for the water, the fish and the people who live there?

11. Understory | How Engineered Mosquitos Could Save Birds

November 10th, 202312 min

With over a million deaths attributed to them each year, mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on earth. In the hunt to stop the spread of disease, scientists think bacteria could be the key, instead of chemicals.

12. Understory | Climate Change's Effects on Vermont Flooding

November 29th, 202313 min

In Vermont, summer is supposed to be about picnics, wild blueberries and maple creamies. And that’s how it was in 2023, until the floods came. In the hottest July since we started keeping records, the rain didn’t stop for two days, dropping more than nine inches of rain on some cities. And Montpelier, the state capitol, was fighting for its life.

All Seasons

Season 2

Season 2

Sep 6, 2023
Season 1

Season 1

Jul 5, 2022


Aug 18, 2022