Watch 'Absurd Planet' Season 1 Online

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Season 1 Episodes


1. Strangest Things

April 22nd, 202019 min

Say hello to Mother Nature’s all-star cast of confounding beasts, featuring Madagascar’s own death-metal lizard: the satanic leaf-tailed gecko.


2. Raging Waters

April 22nd, 202019 min

Dive into an undersea world that's swimming with flirty amphibians, fishy friends, and sea-slug vacuums that keep things clean.


3. Mate Expectations

April 22nd, 202020 min

Time to talk about the birds, the bees and all the other animals with strange mating rituals. When two scorpions make love, it’s anything but lovely.

4. The Cycle of Life

April 22nd, 202019 min

For Earth’s largest rodent, life’s a beach. For mayflies, it lasts only one day. What counts isn’t quantity, but quality — and occasional cannibalism.

5. H2 wOah

April 22nd, 202020 min

Bizarre dramas unfold in the world’s wet and wild oceans, including a leopard seal and a crustacean that team up to ruin an octopus's day.

6. Extremeliest

April 22nd, 202020 min

The miraculous Jesus Christ lizard and goo-spewing bombardier beetle stand out among nature’s oldest, fastest and just plain kookiest creatures.

7. The Flight Stuff

April 22nd, 202020 min

Take to the skies to discover amazing murmurations of starlings and adorably pudgy puffins. Don’t mind the flying snakes, those wingless weirdos.

8. Eat Prey Live

April 22nd, 202020 min

A butterfly that drinks turtle tears is just one of many organisms with unusual appetites and even odder methods of hunting and digesting their food.

9. Fights Camera Action

April 22nd, 202020 min

Get ready for a rumble in the jungle. Whether clawing, crashing or headbanging, animal gladiators like to fight if love or status is on the line.

10. Strangerer Things

April 22nd, 202020 min

The parade of curiosities kicks off with a tiny lizard that fits on a fingertip and monkeys with huge noses. Some Hawaiian sand is fish poop — fact.

11. We're All the Same

April 22nd, 202020 min

Humans share a surprising number of traits with their critter kin, such as using tools, yawning, soaking in saunas and flipping real estate.

12. Absurd is the Word

April 22nd, 202020 min

Did you know goats speak in different regional dialects? Incredible facts about everyday animals lead to one conclusion: being different is awesome.