Season 1 Plot
The story revolves around the life of Abhay, an investigation officer who in a race to save two school kids, Raghu and Pooja. The kids have gone missing in the village of Chinthari. For the past two years, the village on the outskirts of Lucknow have been reporting missing children. Will Abhay be able to battle against his personal demons and find the missing kids?
Abhay Season 1 aired on February 7th, 2019.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Bagged and Tagged
Abhay is in a race against time to save two schoolkids, Raghu and Pooja, who have gone missing in the village of Chinthari. The village, on the outskirts of Lucknow, has been reporting missing children for the past 2 years. Will Abhay manage to keep his nightmares at bay and save Raghu and Pooja, or will he succumb to his fears and let the kids die?
2. Who is the Daddy now?
Abhay returns to solve another gruesome case of a psychotic killer involved in a triple murder. Abhay must keep his calm in order to nab the criminal.
3. Swipe Right
When a dating app is used to commit a crime, Abhay swings into action to solve the mystery of the honeytrap. Catch this spine-chilling episode featuring Anupriya Goenka in a bold avatar.
4. Cyanide poisoning
A trail of cyanide poisoning! Will Abhay be able to decipher this crime and identify the serial killer or will he be distracted by Govind who is back to seek revenge?
5. Crossfire
A glimpse of Abhay’s past explains his current paranoia. In the meanwhile, a disgruntled teenager goes on a killing spree. Will Abhay get caught in the crossfire between a dreaded gangster, the psychotic teenager, his hot-headed colleague and his ethics?
6. Burn!
Abhay’s twisted relationship with Natasha hinders his investigation of a psychopathic killer. The mind games of Natasha and the cigarette-burn killer takes Abhay away from his family. At what cost will Abhay solve these murders?
7. The Butcher
A butcher from Uttar Pradesh slaughters people and flings their body parts in different areas of the town. A lack of evidence and clues make this a tough case to crack. Will Abhay be able to catch this butcher or will he get trapped in Govind’s vicious plan?
8. 48 Hours
Abhay has only 48 hours to catch the butcher. Abhay is under immense pressure as the chase to expose the villain begins. Will Natasha help or hinder Abhay’s hunt for the killer?