Miniseries Plot
The life story of Madalena das Dores Oliveira, the first woman to reach the rank of Brigade Chief of the PIDE (the Estado Novo secret police), who became known by the inhuman way in which she acted.
A Pide Leninha Miniseries aired on April 26th, 2023.
Miniseries Episodes
1. 1st Part
The life story of Madalena das Dores Oliveira, known as Pide Leninha, inside the secret police aparatus of the Estado Novo regime, and the way in which her political fanatism and the boundless pleasure the felt in torturing her victims led her to become te first woman to reach the rank of Brigade Chief, in 1968.
2. 2nd Part
We continue following the life store of Madalena das Dores Oliveira, known as a Pide Leninha, who in the later years of the Salazarist dictatorship perfected her torture methods, until the world crumbled around her with the Carnation Revolution.