Season 1 Episodes
1. Sheri Returns to Clark County Jail
Battling nerves, Sheri re-enters the jail in which she once posed as an inmate. In her first search of the unit as a trainee, she and her fellow officers find some interesting contraband.
2. All Too Familiar
A homesick Sheri struggles to assert her status as an officer as her familiarity with old cellmates to undermine her new authority.
3. The Grunt Work
Sheri's first day in booking is marred by difficulties - until she has the opportunity to catch up with an old friend.
4. Taser Training
Taser training knocks Sheri and her classmates down for the count. After a fitting for a new uniform, Sheri gets a closer look at a Cook County Jail health call.
5. Raids and Real Estate
At work, Sheri experiences her first planned raid, on the outside, she doubles down on her search for a new home for her family.
6. Pepper Spray
Sheri gets some helpful reassurance before attending an OC training class about the proper use of pepper spray.
7. Smokes and Tattoos
Sheri searches a cell after spotting suspicious activity in the women's pod, to commemorate her journey as both an inmate and an officer. Sheri gets tattooed.
8. Finale
Sheri's family arrives at their new home, but she worries that her work schedule will interfere with their time together, during her debrief with the sheriff, Sheri leans how her feedback from going undercover made a difference.