Season 2 Plot
Set in an insurance fraud enforcement office, the series follows the 35 days in the lead up to the death of Simon Jones. The characters’ stories all intertwine with each other, revealing dark secrets…
35 Days Season 2 aired on November 8th, 2015.
Season 2 Episodes
1. Episode 1
Simon's body is lying on the pavement. 35 days ago, he and his wife Leslie along with his friends are enjoying a picnic. Chris's warehouse goes up in flames. Private Investigator Claire wins Ruth's praise for a successful sting op in a scam.
2. Episode 2
Claire's investigation into the warehouse fire continues. Chris and Hazel are at each others throats and are increasingly suspicious of each other.
3. Episode 3
Danny is worried about Claire's investigation and seeks Simon's advice on how to conduct himself in a second interview.
4. Episode 4
Suspended Jeff informs Claire that Simon is in cahoots with Danny. Helen is becoming increasingly obsessed with Ruth and finally oversteps the mark.
5. Episode 5
Ruth is wracked with guilt about ending her mother’s life. Katie moves back in with Charlie when she realizes that Charlie has some information about Alun.
6. Episode 6
Fran learns that Jeff's body has been pulled out of the river. Tim and Claire are revealed to have a history. She tells him that Ruth has asked for a report on them.
7. Episode 7
Claire warns Hazel to stay away from Tudor. Elfyn gives Ruth some unwelcome news about Tim. And Martin encourages Leslie to sue for divorce to make things difficult for Simon.
8. Episode 8
By now there are numerous people with motives to murder Simon and they’re all present at Ruth's leaving party, which is being held at the Unit. Someone is responsible.