Specials Episodes
1. "You Meet In A Tavern..." Bloopers
We still need a little bit more time to finish the next episode so while we wait we thought we'd share some of the bloopers from Episode 1! This was only the second time a lot of the cast and crew met each other (after the table-read), and the first time we'd seen everyone together in costume. Watching this footage I'm amazed we managed to get anything done, let alone an entire episode...
2. "Stealthy Approach" Bloopers
Whenever I write a bad roll into the script, I would write: Antrius rolls a D20. It's not good. That phrase has now become an in-joke on set. Sometimes we even use it to judge 1 For All as a show. 1 For All: It's Not Good. Because you guys loved the bloopers from Episode 1, we've decided to make them a thing! Here are the bloopers from Episode 2, "Steathly Approach." Turn subtitles on if you struggle to understand something we say!
3. "Perception Check" Bloopers
Who teaches yodeling lessons in a forest?
4. Bloopers for episode "Roll To Seduce"
"Roll To Seduce" Bloopers
5. "Murderhobo" Bloopers
Bloopers for episode "Murderhobo"
6. "Tragic Backstories" Bloopers
Bloopers for the "Tragic Backstories" episode from season 1.
7. "Shopping Episode" Bloopers
Bloopers from s02e01 - "Shopping Episode."
8. "Vicious Mockery" Bloopers
9. "The Party Guest" Bloopers
10. "Rules As Written" Bloopers
11. "Splitting the Party" Bloopers
12. "Cleric" Bloopers
13. Behind the Scenes: "Bardic Inspiration"
14. Behind the Scenes: "Pacifist Barbarian"
15. Behind the Scenes: "Long Rest"
16. Magic: The Gathering VS Dungeons & Dragons
17. Overly Elaborate Battle Plans in D&D
What did Antrius forget to include in his plan?
18. When Two Bards Meet
While saving a damsel in distress, Antrius finally meets his match in the up-and-coming young Bard, Zephyr.
19. What Trees Really Think of Druids
When Evandra finds herself lost in a forest, she turns to Dargle-bark for help. However, the socially awkward Druid only has one thing on their mind...
20. Carnage At The Carnival
The Witchlight Carnival is in town so it's the perfect chance for the party to debut their new show starring Dargle-Bark the shape-shifting Druid. What could possibly go wrong?
21. Fighter VS Rogue: It's a Trap!
After Evandra "discovers" a chest in the forest, she soon faces her greatest challenge yet: an Acrobatics check.
22. Bob Ross Barbarian
"No mistakes, just happy accidents" applies to murder as well!