7 Marvel Movie Posters That Make You Go 'WTF?!'
For years, Marvel's had a problem. They may be able to churn out (mostly) successful movies that audiences really respond to, but the marketing for them has been more hit than miss. And very, very busy/lazy with the Photoshop. In some cases, the posters are downright worthy of the internet's scorn. Check out the most popular offenders.
'Avengers: Age of Ultron' (2015)
'The hell are Wanda and her brother standing on?! Ditto Cap and Thor. Slanted pavement? Nope, just bad artistic choices.
'Ant-Man' (2015)
Your typical one-sheet from Marvel. No real creativity on display, just sell the floaty faces and/or torsos of the cast. It's bland AF. It's basically the khaki pants of posters.
'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' (2014)
Yeah, we're not sure what they were thinking with positioning Black Widow like that either...
'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' (2014)
Still have no idea why... And that hair!
'Thor: The Dark World' (2013)
A more appropriate title would be: "Thor: The Search for Better Photoshop." Zing! It looks like the cover of a bad comics tie-in to the movie. And try not to laugh at Heimdall standing/floating on a cloud.
'The Avengers' (2012)
The first team-up of Earth's Mightiest Heroes deserves a better poster than this, which seemingly displays the equivalent of a weekend's worth of effort.
'Spider-Man: Homecoming' (2017)
My eyes! MY EYES! The internet had a field day ripping into this vomit of design choices. Gotta love the number of characters appearing twice, both in and out of costume.