13 Times Carrie 'Couldn't Help But Wonder' on 'SATC,' Ranked From Profound to Absurd
Carrie Bradshaw loves to wonder. The "Sex and the City" columnist posed a question related to her own dating experience practically every week on the show. Sometimes her queries were valid, sometimes they just sounded silly. Here, we rank a few memorable "couldn't help but wonder-isms" from profound to absurd.
13. 'I started to wonder: In a city as cynical as New York, is it still possible to believe in love at first sight?'
Season 2, Episode 7, "The Chicken Dance." This is a totally fair question for Carrie and company to ask. The age-old concept of "love at first sight" will be debated forever, so it's understandable that she might apply it to New Yorkers in particular -- that's what the whole show is about.
12. 'I couldn’t help but wonder: Can you make a mistake and miss your fate?'
Season 4, Episode 18, "I Heart NY." Eh, it's kind of broad, but a natural inquiry considering this is the episode Big leaves New York for good. Is Carrie missing out?! It's also the one where she tells him he should "take a Napa, not move to Napa," which is brilliant or ridiculous, depending on how you look at it...
11. 'While I always ascribed thoughts of karma to the fortune-cookie school psychology, I wondered: Does a string of bad dates really equal one good one?'
Season 3, Episode 17, "What Goes Around Comes Around." We do not buy that longtime NYC resident Carrie would get lost in Soho, but we do buy her sudden exploration of karma and cosmic imbalances.
10. 'I started to wonder: Are there women in New York who were just there to make us feel bad about ourselves?'
Season 3, Episode 3, Attack of the Five Foot-Ten Woman. This episode finds Carrie doing everything in her power, from buying an expensive new look to digging up dirt, to upstage Big's new wife, Natasha. It's a standout half hour of TV that certainly has us thinking about our own unnecessary insecurities, even if Carrie's making her situation geographically-centric here.
9. 'As I walked home, I couldn't help but wonder ... When did being alone become the modern day equivalent of being a leper?”
Season 2, Episode 4, "They Shoot Single People, Don't They?" Harsh much? But a reasonable thought after getting one's hungover mug plastered on the cover of New York Magazine. You'll be single for another four seasons, Carrie, because otherwise the show wouldn't really exist.
8. 'I wondered: In today's youth-obsessed culture, are the women of my generation growing into mature responsible adults or are we 34 going on 13?'
Season 3, Episode 15, "Hot Child in the City." Carrie dates a guy who lives with his parents, works at a comic book store, and likes to get high and throw chicken. It makes sense this would lead to questioning her (and her generation's) taste.
7. 'Do you know what the odds of catching a fly ball are? I didn't. I couldn't help wondering if they were any higher than finding a relationship that would last.'
Season 2, Episode 1, "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." Carrie knows nothing of sports, but we applaud her for integrating them into her column -- even if her thought is a little cliched.
6. 'I couldn’t help but wonder: Inside every confident, driven, single woman, is there a delicate, fragile princess just waiting to be saved?'
Season 3, Episode 1, "Where There's Smoke..." I personally don't think Carrie truly believes this, although the analysis of the effect of fairytales on our romantic expectations is welcome.
5. 'I couldn’t help but wonder: When the hell did dating become so dump-friendly?'
Season 3, Episode 5, "No Ifs, Ands, or Butts." Is dating so dump-friendly? I don't know, but Carrie is discussing deal breakers here -- maybe she should have enlisted the help of Liz Lemon to further articulate herself.
4. 'I wondered if there wasn’t some kind of physics for beauty. Maybe two models repelled. Maybe models could only be attracted to ordinary humans.'
Season 1, Episode 2, "Models and Mortals" This question is too specific. How many people really date models? Is it the same rate as the foul ball thing? (See: Slide eight.)
3. 'I couldn’t help but wonder what it meant that I wanted to talk to my ex-boyfriend again?'
Season 4, Episode 6, "Baby, Talk Is Cheap" Um, I think it means you have feelings for him? Case closed.
2. 'I never saw him again, but I always wondered two things: Was he able to stay sober? Am I really that good in bed?'
Season 2, Episode 16, "Was It Good For You?" Carrie, an alcoholic just relapsed and all you can think about is your performance in the bedroom?
1. 'I wondered if 'should' was another disease plaguing women ... Why are we should-ing all over ourselves?'
Season 6, Episode 15, "Catch-38" This episode is about regrets -- Carrie is struggling with the possibility of having children -- but with all her pun prowess, did she have to phrase it like that? We're still shocked her editor let that stinker through.