These Are the 13 Greatest Star Wars Villains Ever
From wretched Hutts to power-hungry Sith Lords, the Star Wars Universe is full of awesome villains. Here are the greatest baddies from that galaxy far, far away.
13. General Hux
Of the "sniveling British bureaucrat" subset of "Star Wars" villains, General Hux nearly ranks amongst them. Clearly, he is something of a Tarkin 2.0, but like many of the characters in these new films, he's run by pure emotion and the legislative sheen of his villainy is mostly a front. In the newest film, we even get to see shades of Hux's humanity, as he's put in a number of uncomfortable and awkward positions. Still, he's incredibly dedicated to the cause of the First Order and the annihilation of the Resistance. And, really, isn't that all that matters?
12. Greedo
Greedo isn’t exactly the most accomplished bounty hunter in the galaxy. Heck, he couldn’t even manage to shoot Han Solo from across a table. But there’s a lot to be said for a villain whose primary purpose is to make the hero seem cooler. Greedo was merely a sacrifice on the altar of Han Solo. Of the many colorful denizens of the Mos Eisley Cantina, he’s one of the most memorable.
11. General Grievous
It takes a lot of chutzpah for an ordinary alien to take on a Jedi Knight in direct combat. Chutzpah, and spinning arms filled with lightsabers. Grievous is the only villain in the films who can best a Jedi in a lightsaber duel without using the Force. Grievous’ best moments weren’t in the films, but rather the Clone Wars cartoons and comics, where his tragic origin was established and his body count increased. Even so, this wheezing cyborg certainly left his mark on the galaxy.
10. Jango Fett
Whereas Boba Fett was basically a faceless enigma in the Original Trilogy, the Prequels didn’t shy away from showcasing his father. You know Jango Fett is a force to be reckoned with if he was selected to be the template for an entire army of clones. And he proved it by holding his own against a Jedi (which is more than Boba could ever boast in the movies).
9. Count Dooku
When you want your latest Sith Lord villain to leave a strong impression, you can do a lot worse than casting the late Christopher Lee to play him. Lee’s Count Dooku is everything his predecessor Darth Maul wasn’t -- refined, precise, and coldly calculating. The final duel in "Episode II" proved just how skilled Dooku was with a blade, as it took nothing less than the fury of Yoda to send him packing. The fact that he proved to be just another pawn in the end lends an extra layer of tragedy to this formidable warrior.
8. Snoke
Snoke, the new big bad of the First Order, was introduced in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" as a mythically huge hologram who barks orders at his subordinates. In "The Last Jedi," you get to know Snoke a little bit better. His origins remain mysterious but his goals are crystal clear: he wants to rule the entire galaxy and will kill just about anybody to make sure that happens. It's this mysteriousness coupled with blood thirstiness that makes Snoke an all time baddie in the "Star Wars" universe. Do not cross him.
7. Grand Moff Tarkin
While Darth Vader was the face of the Empire’s might, let’s not forget that even he was second-in-command to the real villain of the original “Star Wars.” Grand Moff Tarkin was the one calling the shots and holding his finger over the button that could instantly obliterate an entire planet. Tarkin arguably caused more death and destruction than every other Star Wars movie villain combined.
6. Jabba the Hutt
For the first two films, Star Wars fans knew Jabba the Hutt by reputation only. He was the shadowy gangster who controlled Boba Fett, the heavy who would clearly stop at nothing to get revenge on Han Solo. And when we finally met the fiendish villain in “Return of the Jedi,” he lived up to his reputation. He’ll forever be known as the disgusting slug who kept Princess Leia on a leash and hung Han Solo on the wall like a piece of art.
5. Darth Maul
There was a lot about the early images and teasers for "The Phantom Menace" that captured our imagination, but nothing hooked us more than Darth Maul. His terrifying face and dual-bladed lightsaber immediately made him the coolest-looking Star Wars villain since Boba Fett. The film didn’t delve into Maul’s personality or motivations (certainly not as much as the Clone Wars cartoon would later do), but that epic two-on-one lightsaber duel will forever remain one of the all-time great Star Wars moments.
4. Boba Fett
For a character with so little screen time over the course of the six Star Wars films, Boba Fett sure has become an enduring pop culture figure. Much of it comes down to his striking design. He just simply looks like a deadly bounty hunter, and all those scratches and dings on his armor are a testament to his past victories. He also proved his mettle by being the only one capable of outsmarting Han Solo and delivering him into the Empire’s hands. Maybe Fett didn’t have such a strong showing in his sophomore appearance, but we’re hoping his role in the Star Wars franchise isn’t done yet.
3. Kylo Ren
This masked villain, with the wickedest-looking lightsaber ever, was a total badass in "The Force Awakens" -- until he took off his mask and revealed himself to be Adam Driver! Sure, he still did some unforgivable damage (*sniff*) and we'll always remember him as Emo Kylo Ren -- but he also stopped blaster fire in mid-air, a feat that not even his grandpa, Darth Vader, could achieve. In typical Star Wars villain fashion, he has family issues. Unlike typical Force-strong baddies, he is not struggling so much with the Light, but rather is he worthy of his Dark Side aspirations. It's a search that Ren's father pays for with his life.
2. Emperor Palpatine
It takes a special kind of villain to literally explode with evilness when he’s thrown down a giant shaft. Nearly every foul deed and moment of suffering in the Star Wars movies can be traced back to one man -- Emperor Palpatine. Once a humble senator from Naboo, Palpatine had a dream of being the uncontested ruler of the entire galaxy. He had no problem manipulating that galaxy into war and crowning himself king of the smoldering ruin that was left. He also didn't have a problem luring the most powerful Force users in the galaxy to his side, and then discarding them when they were no longer useful.
1. Darth Vader
Is there any movie character who left as strong an impression in their very first scene? From his imposing frame, to his terrifying mask, to his inhuman breathing, Darth Vader was clearly a force to be reckoned with. Yet as scary as Vader is, it’s the tragedy under the black helmet that makes him such a great villain. Before he was the most hated and feared man in the galaxy, he was its greatest hero. Vader fell from grace, but he ultimately managed to redeem himself and the galaxy by choosing his son over the wrinkly guy with lighting fingers.