10 Crazy Emotional 'Parenthood' Moments
Joel Gives Up
We loved all the couples on "Parenthood" throughout its 6 Season run, and we truly never thought we would see the day when these two would split. Here, Joel reveals to Julia that he wants to stop working on their marriage. Heart. Broken.
Max's Speech For President
We watched Max and his family face many challenges through the years, so we couldn't help but cry our faces off when he came out victorious.
Sarah's Heart-to-Heart With Amber
Almost every Sarah and Amber moment is a gem -- whether they're singing Joni Mitchell, fighting, crying, or laughing about something silly. Here, Sarah simply tells her daughter how proud she is of her. Mothers out there trying to say the perfect thing, take note.
Zoe Keeps Her Baby
In a gut-wrenching scene from Season 3, Julia and Joel head to the hospital to pick up their new adopted baby, but open the door to find his mother Zoe has decided to keep him. Those looks say everything.
Ryber's End
Amber and Ryan have had a tumultuous relationship with plenty of tear-jerking conversations, but when Ryan reveals he has re-enlisted in the army we just lost it.
The Chemo Shirt
Kristina's battle with cancer was arguably the most tear-inducing arc of the entire show. This scene where Camille gives her daughter-in-law a shirt her friend wore while going through chemo is almost sure to make you get a bit weepy.
Kristina's Video Message
But weepy is nothing compared to the waterworks you'll experience when you watch Kristina's video message to her children in the event that she passes away.
Alex Opens Up to Haddie
Michael B. Jordan won audiences over with his moving portrayal of Haddie's boyfriend Alex. When he opened up to Haddie about his rough past he tugged at our heartstrings even more than we thought possible.
Julia Thinks Victor Doesn't Love Him
Julia began to unravel when she and Victor weren't developing a bond. Leave it to her bro Crosby to lift her up and tell her what a fantastic mother she is. We all need a Braverman in our lives, am I right?
The Last Scene Ever
If you haven't watched the "Parenthood" series finale, you might not want to start with the show's last six minutes. This time jump montage let us look ahead at what's in store for the Braverman family. Some of our tears were even happy ones this time!