Will Emma Die? 'Once Upon a Time' Bosses Tease Killer Reveal
JENNIFER MORRISON" data-credit="ABC" data-credit-link-back="undefined" src="http://o.aolcdn.com/dims-shared/dims3/GLOB/crop/1629x864+0+9/resize/660x350!/format/jpg/quality/85/http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/c01a19ae28c149dc5655b78c15d35383/204374445/once-upon-a-time-season-6-emma.jpg" data-mep="1371922" />Son of a Belle, "Once Upon a Time" wouldn't really kill the Savior ... right?
Emma Swan (the perfection that is Jennifer Morrison) is pretty much the main character on the ABC series, so even if they did kill her, she'd probably just return like so many other dead characters. (Except Robin Hood. Alas.)
Last night, Season 6 started with some mega-twists, including the truth about Morpheus and some serious Debbie Downer prophecies for Emma's future. As we know, she is a Savior, and it looks like Saviors are getting the hand shakes and scary visions right about now. Apparently Saviors never get their own happy endings; a young oracle told Emma her "destination" will remain the same, no matter the path -- on the day she saw in her vision, in the battle she saw with a hooded figure, "you will die."
Well, thanks for the tip!
So that sucks. And is it true, or is "Once" more "Terminator 2," there is no fate but what we make for ourselves? Showrunners Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis made the rounds after the Season 6 premiere to tease what's ahead. "The show remains a show about hope," Horowitz told TVLine. "Our characters are going to fight the battle to see if that is a fate that is immovable."
And if you're wondering who is under that hood -- and you must be -- we will know within a couple of months. Here's what the guys told The Hollywood Reporter:
Is the identity of the hooded figure who stabs Emma in her vision going to revealed sooner rather than later?
Eddy Kitsis: You'll have the answer before the Christmas break.
So the timeline of this is that she could die around Christmas?
Kitsis: No — we could find out who's under the hood then. She could die as early as next week.
Adam Horowitz: That looming fate is something that hangs over her and opens up a lot of questions. Is it an immutable fate or is it something you can fight and change, and what does that mean? Do you tell the people you love, and how does everyone deal with that? Her first instinct is not to tell, so we're going to explore what that means initially.
Oh, Emma, just tell Hook! Or your parents! Or even Henry, although maybe he's too young to be carrying all of these burdens. Tell Regina!
Kitsis added to EW, of the hooded figure:
"Emma is going to wonder who that is. We're definitely going to be exploring that. It could be someone we've met before. I definitely would say it is somebody we've met before. Who's in the hood is going to be a mystery. To tell you now would be like, 'Here's who shot J.R.'"
Tell us now anyway, then don't shoot (or stab) our J.R. at all. Next Sunday's October 2 episode is called "A Bitter Draught," and then we know Cinderella and her evil stepmother and stepsister are coming in Episode 3, "The Other Shoe."
Do you really think they will kill Emma? We're crossing off that "as early as next week" tease as bogus, but it's not like OUAT is afraid of killing main characters, it just likes to bring them back later for more.
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