Why Drew Barrymore ‘Can’t Take’ Depressing Movies
If a film wallows in sadness, don't even bother calling Drew Barrymore to star in it.
"I can't take depressing. I'm sorry, I can't," she told Jimmy Fallon on "The Tonight Show" on Tuesday. "I've got two kids. I'm just trying to get through, and I can't handle when it's like, 'You will be depressed and this will be meaningful.' I can't take it. I can't."
An interesting stance considering her newest film, "Miss You Already," deals with sadness, in that Barrymore's character is trying to get pregnant as her best friend has been diagnosed with cancer.
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"I want to be moved because something is actually lovely and kind of full of life and meaningful, not because it's upsetting," she said.
This film, she said, deals with the life moments in a way that she's never seen it done.
"It will make you appreciate what you have and run out an call your best friend, and its a very life affirming film," she said.
The best friend relationship, in real life, is a strange one that always take a bit of a back seat to others.
"It's a relationship that sort gets put third to spouse and children," Barrymore said. "There's a relationship that's unlike any relationship in your life. This film is a love story, a plutonic love story."