The ‘Locke & Key’ Cast And Producers Talk About What To Expect In Season Two Of The Netflix Series
There are new villains, new abilities, and higher stakes in the new season.
The second season of ‘Locke & Key’ on Netflix promises new mysteries and new challenges for the Locke family. Stars Connor Jessup, Darby Stanchfield, Griffin Gluck, and Hallea Jones joined executive producers Carlton Cuse and Meredith Averill to talk to Moviefone about the new season.
First up, Connor Jessup and Darby Stanchfield talk about where their characters are at the beginning of season two.
Moviefone: Connor, just kind of catch us up to what we learned at the end of season one.
Connor Jessup: At the end of season one, the Locke kids have this big confrontation with Dodge. She attacks the house, they fight. They think that they beat her, and they take her and they throw her through the black door, which is where all the demons and all the keys come from. At the end of season one, they feel like they've won. The only threat that they know about is gone, they have all the keys, they feel more comfortable using them. But right at the end of season one, the audience finds out that actually, shocker, Dodge is not gone. Dodge was Gabe, Kenzie's friend, now boyfriend, the whole time in disguise. So we start season two, knowing that, that threat is still there. If anything, that threat is much closer to them than it ever has been. And they have no idea. So it's that note of tension that we start season two on.
MF: We also find out there's a new person, a new evil person, somebody gets transformed.
Jessup: Yeah. In that sequence where we are throwing Dodge to the black door. Eden, who is sort of our kind of friend, kind of enemy from school. She gets hit without any of us noticing, she gets hit by one of these bullets that comes out from demon land. And it turns out that, that turns her into a demon, that little bullet is, contained a demon. At the end of season two... I don't make this up. At the end of season two, we find out that not only is Dodge still alive, but Dodge now has an ally. So the stakes are growing.
MF: It's a lot. The stakes are very high. But Darby, I feel on the adult spectrum here.
Darby Stanchfield: The adult side.
MF: Yes. So for Nina, I feel like she struggled, she lost her husband the whole season, I feel was just trying to get used to that new circumstance. And so, taking us into season two, tell me how Nina's doing now.
Stanchfield: It starts out with Nina feeling like she didn't make a giant mistake, moving her family to Matheson, to her deceased husband's, to their ancestral home, to her deceased husband's home. She's feeling like the kids are happy in Matheson and at this house, that it's going well for them. And that's her primary concern. Nina starts to move on herself. Grief becomes less. And she meets someone. There is a new person in Nina's life. But as the Locke siblings grapple with the powers that they have of magic, and they face off with this new forms of the villain. They, of course, things are not going well with them and Nina she picks up on this, and she is aware of it, and she doesn't understand it. She continues to struggle with the themes of isolation and, it brings up grief in a new way. And she has her own set of personal challenges. So it starts off great and then it also sort of devolves into chaos as the season goes along.
MF: Connor, Tyler is getting older. He is almost at the point where he is going to become an adult. So there is some concern about him not remembering any of this magic now, right?
Jessup: Yeah. We established in season one that for whatever reason, adults can't remember magic, they can see it, but it slips off them. It's like almost like they're waterproof. And we've seen that with Nina. We've seen it with Duncan. And Tyler realizes at the beginning of season two, that he is almost an adult and Jackie, his girlfriend, is almost an adult. Eventually Kenzie and Bode are going to be adults. He starts to really become anxious and focused on what that means and trying to find a way to stop that from happening, trying to hold onto his memories.
Griffin Gluck and Hellea Jones share how much fun they have playing villains.
Moviefone: Griffin, we found out a lot of interesting things at the end of season one. Gabe is Dodge. We learned that Eden is turned. And so now Gabe's got a cohort. What is it like for you? How far ahead in season one, did you know that this was happening?
Griffin Gluck: From the very beginning. Maybe not as stuff going on in season two. I didn't know where that would lead to what the aftermath would be, but from the moment I auditioned from the moment I booked the role, I was told, Hey, Gabe is evil, but it's the big season thing. It's fun. And that's what was so exciting for me was the opportunity to play a bad guy, whether it be this season or next season. And now season two, it's all unfolding, and we get to see all its glorious, evil magic. But yeah, it was definitely fun to play that waiting game.
MF: Hallea, Eden in season two, I feel like that role has got to be so much fun to play.
Hallea Jones: Oh yes. Oh yes. Deliciously fun, on so many levels. There was a lot of days where I was just reveling in the fact that this was what I had to, I got to call a job, and I was like, oh my gosh, I get to have fun. And I felt very blessed, very lucky to be a part of such an incredible production with such an incredible cast and crew and Eden just gets up to so much chaos, so much craziness.
MF: She does, but she has this whole air about her. It's so delicious. What is that relationship between Eden and Gabe?
Jones: Toxic. A very toxic relationship. Definitely questionable, problematic, but it was a lot of fun because I mean, Griffin is just the opposite of Gabe, and we created a really nice dynamic. We play chess in between, like waiting for setups and stuff. So we, when we would go on set and be these evil characters, it was really fun to just watch him shift into that and shift with him and play that power dynamic.
MF: So Griffin, Gabe is obsessed this season with making a key. So this is something new that there is an ability to do this.
Gluck: Yes.
MF: What key is the one that everybody's striving for the season?
Gluck: Well, the key that everyone is after, it's tough. Because I think the Lockes, they're kind of at a crossroads about what to do with these keys, do they abuse the power? Do they have fun with it? They kind of figured that out. But Gabe is just obsessed with all of the keys. He wants them all. He has, he's power hungry, he wants control, and he wants to reign supreme. He wants to create a key that will put him miles and leagues above anyone else. So that's what you get to see a little bit of that in the trailer, but it's definitely a tough road for him and Eden to get there. There's a lot that has to be done, a very thin line to be toed.
Jones: A lot that has to be sacrificed.
Gluck: A lot that has to be sacrificed. Yeah. That's, I mean, that's all I can think of really without going into spoilers.
MF: Hallea, how far ahead for you? When you get a script, do you know the arc to the end of the season?
Jones: We all get the scripts as we film. Because there are changes sometimes that need to be done and also to avoid any spoilers and whatever that is from leaking. But as we went through the season, we got the scripts and nothing really changed the way that I tackled Eden, it more just made me more excited about all the fun that she was going to get up to.
MF: So Griffin, for you, what is the relationship this season between Gabe and Kinsey?
Gluck: I think Gabe is trying to figure that out as well. It's very confusing. Obviously the audience knows something that Kinsey doesn't. So every scene that they're a part of together has this kind of underlying tension. But I think, Gabe is, he's very confused because he is a demon at heart, but he comes from Lucas who is a great loving person. So his relationship with Kinsey is something that he's trying to figure out. Obviously he knows that he wants his keys and nothing's going to get in his way, not even her. At the same time, you'll notice while watching the season that he does not want to hurt her ever emotionally, physically. So there, I think there is deep down a part of him that truly does care. And doesn't want to ruin this. He's been in this Gabe shape form for so long that I think he starts to lose a memory of the fact that he is just pure chaos, personified.
Jones: His heart and soul are at odds against each other.
Executive producers Meredith Averill and Carlton Cuse talk about what to expect in season two.
Moviefone: Meredith, in season one, it was all about the Locke family kind of trying to get over their father, their husband's demise. Unexpected demise. What can we expect for season two?
Meredith Averill: With season two, the kids have really come into realizing that they are the new Keepers of the Keys. And now they're starting to feel the tremendous weight of what that responsibility actually means, and also trying not to make the same mistakes as their father. So it's a darker season, I think it's a richer season. There's more maturity to the season, just as our characters have matured. So I think everything is just so much more heightened this season.
MF: And we have more villains. It was revealed in season two, we know we have two evil people. And then there's a third person that is revealed in season two.
Carlton Cuse: Yeah, that happens later. I mean, most of season two is about Gabe and Eden. And the Locke family, obviously, doesn't know that they're demons. Kinsey does not know that her boyfriend is actually the antagonist of the whole show, and how that all plays out is a big part of season two. And certainly, as the beginning of the season unfolds, we're very anxious to find out like, "Well, when are the Lockes going to realize what's going on here?"
MF: How closely, in season two, did you follow the comic books?
Cuse: I would say we hit some of the same major bus stops as the comic books, but our story's our own story. And with the blessings of Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodríguez, we're telling our own story. So people who read the comics will have their own experience. You'll certainly see things from the comics in season two, but the way we tell the story and the way it unfolds is its own thing. Yeah, I think it's a rewarding experience, whether you've read the comics or not.
MF: And Meredith, in season two, we find out that there's an ability to make keys.
Averill: Yes. Absolutely. We were very excited this season to be able to kind of dive into, just, the mythology, this rich mythology that Joe and Gabriel had set up. And part of that is telling the origin of the keys. What was the first key that was made? Why was it made? Who made it? How was the black door made, and why? We really love being able to tell those stories, and also see how that is affecting our kids in the present and their ability to make keys. That was one of our favorite stories to get to tell.
MF: So Carlton, certainly you and Meredith have the whole storyline for a season worked out before shooting starts. But how do you kind of dole that out to the actors? Do they know the whole arc of season two before they start?
Cuse: That is a really good question. I would say that the actors appreciate the discovery of the journey. We don't tell them too much ahead of time. And certainly, there are major things that happen, and it's not actually good for actors, necessarily, to know a big turn that's going to come. It allows them to sort of be present in the moment and to play the narrative as it's going on. It's something like when I was doing ‘Lost,’ the actors were basically one script ahead of what we were filming, and it worked out incredibly well. It really allowed them to, just, sort of be in the moment. And our actors, as well, are... they're not really that far ahead of where the characters are. And I think that's good.
Averill: Yeah. For example, no one knew that Gabe was Dodge when we were shooting season one, except for Griffin. And that was by design because we didn't want Emilia to be in a scene with him knowing that he was Dodge, because Kinsey wouldn't know. So that was something that we withheld from them until they got the last script and were like, "Oh my god."
Season two of ‘Locke & Key’ is now streaming on Netflix.