Wes Anderson's Next Movie Might Be a Musical Set in Post-WWII France
And for his next act, Wes Anderson may make a musical. In France. Post-World War II. Of course.
Anderson doesn't make movies frequently (averaging around one every three years) and he just released "Isle of Dogs" earlier this year. But the writer/director is reportedly already eyeing his next project, according to French publication La Charente (h/t The Playlist), and it will be the aforementioned musical set in post-war France. As translated:
"The director in question is Wes Anderson. The American would like to come and shoot a musical. And so would like to put his cameras in Angouleme. But not until November or December. We know that research for sets began. That contacts were made locally to look for houses where scenes would turn."
Angoulême was heavily bombed during the war and its railway station had to be reconstructed in the years after. Perhaps the movie will be about the area picking up the pieces after the Nazis were defeated.
That Anderson would set a movie in France is not surprising; the director has lived in Paris for several years. He has not made a musical, though music is a key component to many of his previous movies. Bill Murray had better start vocal exercises!