See What Happens When 'When Wes Anderson Meets 'X-Men' (VIDEO)
Diehard Wes Anderson fans and "X-Men" acolytes might not have much in common at first glance, but this parody video reveals the twee side of our beloved superheroes. Patrick (H) Willems made "When Wes Anderson Meets 'X-Men," and it's smarter and more well-made than your typical online video satire. Besides, aren't most Wes Anderson heroes sort of mutants anyway?
The video primarily riffs on "The Royal Tenenbaums," but there's a touch of "Moonrise Kingdom,""Rushmore," and even "Bottle Rocket" in there. Plus, there are loads of "X-Men" references, like "Hope you survive the experience." Let's face it; giving Margot Tenenbaum the mutant powers of Jean Grey is both inspired and scary.
Willems has a ton of other videos available, including some rather inspired director/genre mash-ups like Ingmar Bergman and "The Flash," and Tommy Wiseau and "Batman." Check 'em out.[Via The Hollywood Reporter]