Watch Seth Meyers Brilliantly Spoof 'Oscar Bait' Movies
If you watch just one unnaturally long trailer before this Sunday's 2017 Academy Awards, let it be "Oscar Bait."
"Late Night with Seth Meyers" just took aim at every Oscar hopeful cliché in "a story of redemption, racial tension, and latent homosexuality shamelessly timed for award season."
As much as we love the Oscars, and the movies that get nominated ... this is dead on:Maybe the video doesn't need to be over 5 minutes long, but it's worth it just to see the racial tension scene play out twice, including once in French.
It would be ironic for Seth Meyers to be nominated for an Emmy for this, but that losing-his-sh*t behind the wheel of a car scene alone is worth a nod. And you have to admire his bravery for being so open about his Balloon Foot disease. There just isn't enough awareness out there.
The Oscars will be presented this Sunday, Feb. 26 on ABC, hosted by Jimmy Kimmel. It's a shame Meyers isn't hosting, 'cause "Oscar Bait" would've worked as a solid cold open.
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