Watch Bradley Cooper Dance and Fanboy Over 'Frozen': 'I Cried'
Last night, the main focus -- rightly -- was on James Corden's "Late Late Show."
James had Bradley Cooper, Andrew Garfield, and Jake McDorman as guests and they were a fun bunch to watch. James asked Bradley about dancing, since he and Jennifer Lawrence were in a dance competition in "Silver Linings Playbook." Bradley said he grew up in the era of breakdancing and "did very well at the bar mitzvahs" growing up. James said there's no way he can bodybox, then got up and made Bradley give a dancing demo. So here he is, doing ... what's that, The Robot? Love Andrew Garfield's moves from the couch: Here's another must-watch, and it involves "Limitless" star Jake McDorman talking about first meeting Bradley Cooper on the set of "American Sniper." Jake and some other guys got to the Morocco set first, then Bradley showed up, having bulked up about 45 pounds. When Bradley got to set and approached the intimidated guys, the first thing he said to them was, "You guys seen that movie 'Frozen'?" Jake said they weren't sure if it was a test or what, since Bradley was speaking in a Southern accent like he was in character. But it wasn't a test. Bradley said he had just watched the movie on the plane there.
"It's a great movie," Bradley said to James. "It blew me away. It's incredible. I was very late to the party. I was very late. I cried for sure. I think I watched it twice on the plane. Why not?" This was all said with sincerity, and no embarrassment, which just makes us like Bradley Cooper even more. He can dance. He respects Disney. He's not ashamed to fanboy over "Frozen." No wonder Jennifer Lawrence keeps wanting to make movies with him.
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