Adam Demos and Victoria Justice Talk Netflix’s ‘A Perfect Pairing’
The two popular actors discuss their new romantic comedy.

(L to R) Adam Demos as Max, Victoria Justice as Lola in 'A Perfect Pairing'. Photo: Vince Valitutti/Netflix © 2022.
Premiering on Netflix May 19th is the new romantic comedy ‘A Perfect Pairing,’ which was directed by Stuart McDonald.
The movie follows Lola (Victoria Justice), a hard-driving L.A. wine-company executive, who travels to an Australian sheep station to land a major client and ends up working as a ranch hand and sparking a relationship with a rugged local named Max (Adam Demos).
Moviefone recently had the pleasure of speaking with Victoria Justice and Adam Demos about their work on ‘A Perfect Pairing.’
You can read the full interview with Victoria Justice and Adam Demos below or click on the video player above to watch the interview.
Moviefone: To begin with, Victoria can you talk about what sets Lola on the journey that she goes through in this film?
Victoria Justice: Well, I mean, I don't want to spoil too much, but there is a big backstabbing moment. Lola is really at a crossroads and makes the bold choice to strike it out on her own, trust her own gut, her own intuition, believe in herself and take a risk and fly all the way to Australia to try to land this huge client. She ends up volunteering to be a ranch hand and is way in over her head and meets this guy. I can't give away the rest, but she's a risk taker. She's a tough cookie. Like I said, she's very resilient and she definitely does not give up. That's for sure.
MF: Adam, what is Max’s first reaction when he meets Lola?
Adam Demos: It's a bit of a pain in his side initially because he's trying to get his work done and then he immediately knows why she's there, for the wine stuff. He gets sort of wedged into that corner of having to take her on board as a worker, but then as time goes on and he sees her drive, initiative and she's very courageous, then he sees the real her. But at the start it's great because he's kind of annoyed with her. Then all of the things I listed sort of breaks it down and then they form a really great bond.

(L to R) Victoria Justice as Lola, Adam Demos as Max in 'A Perfect Pairing.' Photo: Vince Valitutti/Netflix © 2022.
MF: Adam, did you know anything about working with sheep before making this movie?
AD: So, I grew up on a farm, but it was more of a hobby farm, so we didn't have sheep. We had horses and stuff like that, but I probably know one percent of what Max would know. My upbringing was more leisure style. I learned a lot of things along the way and it was cool to see. It was cool to see the actual workers when they were shearing the sheep in action. They were the pros.
MF: Finally, Victoria you play a wine executive, did you know a lot about wine before making this movie, and did you have any experience farming, or was that entirely knew to you as well?
VJ: Not a ton. I went on a trip to Napa Valley with a few friends of mine and we did a wine tour there. That was amazing. I actually loved it. I never realized just how much detail goes into making wine, and the people that love it, really love it. It's very cool.
As far as farm stuff, I had no knowledge. I love animals. I was so excited to be around the animals. Being in nature and being with animals makes me feel really centered and happy. But other than that, no, I've never mended a fence or done anything like that in my life before. But I loved it. It was super fun.

Victoria Justice as Lola in 'A Perfect Pairing.' Photo: Vince Valitutti/Netflix © 2022.