'Twilight' Director Reveals What She'd Change About the Film
More sparkle? Less lip-biting? Extended brooding? Nope!
"Twilight" is currently celebrating its 10th anniversary, and CinemaBlend asked director Catherine Hardwicke what she'd change about the film if she could make it today. She wouldn't change anything about the performances, or the chemistry between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson.
But, she told CB, she would change the effects:
"I think one thing is, we would have probably had a little bit more money to do some of the fun CGI things that I wanted to do, because CGI costs have come down. We could have done a few more fun stunts and things, because I wanted to do quite a bit more at the baseball stadium. I want to do quite a bit more... I had a lot more storyboarded for the end, the finale sequence. So I think we would have been able to afford a lot of that now. Yeah, that would have been fun."
Here's the baseball scene:
Technology can help in some areas, but not with chemistry. Hardwicke told Us Weekly the fascination Pattinson and Stewart had for each other was clear and "powerful." So powerful, in fact, that she felt compelled to emphasize to Rob that Kristen was underage at the time:
"You could just tell that they were intensely fascinated by each other. You know? I saw that right there in my own living room [at the first chemistry read]. I was like, ‘Oh, my God.' I think when Kristen walked away I said, ‘Now, Rob, I want you to know, Kristen is underage. She is 17 and in our country, illegal.’”
The stars later dated, famously becoming "Robsten," and then broke up. But 10 years have come and gone since the first movie, and everyone seems to have landed on their feet just fine.
"Twilight" is immortal to fans, and they can watch it in theaters once again in just a few days. "Twilight" will play in more than 450 movie theaters nationwide on October 21 and October 23, at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. local time. Head to www.FathomEvents.com to check to see what showings are near your zip code.
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