14 Reasons Tim Riggins Will Always Be the Brooding 'FNL' Bad Boy of Our Dreams
If you're a "Friday Night Lights" fan, you're either Team Riggins or Team Saracen. If you're Team Riggins, congratulations on making the right choice. We know he's bad for us, but we just can't get enough of Taylor Kitsch's long locks and brooding smirk. These are the 14 reasons we'll always have clear eyes and full hearts for Tim Riggins.
Because he knows it's Texas or die
Because he sacrifices himself for love
Because he knows everyone needs a day off
Because he knows how to bring complete silence to a room full of people
Because this is what he looks like without a shirt on
Because he knows tacos > everything
Because he can summarize a book like a poet
Because brooding comes naturally to him, he can't help it
Because this is how other people describe him
Because he looks good with a beer bottle...
And a beer can...
And being surrounded by three beer bottles
Because he has better hair than those girls in Herbal Essences commercials
Because his jokes always get a big laugh