Warning: 'This Is Us' Season 2's Randall-Focused Fall Finale Is 'So Heart-Wrenching'
"This Is Us" fans may still be crying into 2018.
The NBC drama is known for giving fans every single one of the feels. Season 2 has been keeping with the heartwarming/breaking tradition, and viewers may want to add an extra box of tissues for the final episode of 2017.
The fall finale is Season 2, Episode 10, "Number Three," airing Tuesday, Nov. 28. Like "Number One" and "Number Two," it follows The Big Three kids in order of appearance. That means it's time for Randall's own episode, with this synopsis from NBC:
"Randall [Sterling K. Brown] and Beth [Susan Kelechi Watson] are faced with a hard choice. Jack takes Randall on a college tour."
We may already be tearing up just at the idea of a hard choice for our goals couple, and more Jack and Randall time.
If you're not hyped enough, Jon Huertas (Miguel) mentioned "Number Three" in a Q&A with Entertainment Tonight. They asked him about the most powerful Season 2 scene or episode so far for him as a viewer, and he mentioned the fall finale:
"The most powerful episode for me so far is Episode 10, which hasn't even aired yet. On paper, it's just... you'll see, it's so heart-wrenching."
Oof. Well, we've been warned.
Speaking of warnings: Careful of your heart, 'cause it may eventually warm to Miguel, if it hasn't already. Huertas teased "some layers" to Miguel that we'll peel back as the story moves forward, and hopefully fans will ultimately be happy that he and Rebecca get together. Give him a chance!
"This Is Us" Season 2 will have 18 episodes, so once this fall finale airs on Nov. 28, eight more episodes will come in 2018. The show airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on NBC.
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