Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About Zooey Deschanel
Zooey Deschanel is our favorite quirky/adorable actress in Hollywood, and she's been our dream BFF ever since we heard her singing Christmas carols in "Elf." Even though we know a lot about her, you probably don't know everything. Here are 11 things you might not know about Zooey Deschanel.
Deschanel was named after the male character in J.D. Salinger’s book “Franny and Zooey.”
Deschanel went to high school with her "Rock The Kasbah" and "Almost Famous" co-star Kate Hudson.
Deschanel is part of the indie duo She & Him.
Deschanel was married to Death Cab for Cutie's lead singer, Ben Gibbard, for two years before filing for divorce.
Deschanel knows how to move it -- she had six years of tap dancing lessons.
When she was little, Deschanel used to dress up like a princess to do her homework.
Deschanel started the popular comedy website for women, HelloGiggles, with two of her best friends.
The first album Deschanel ever bought was Madonna’s “Like a Virgin,” but she thought she was singing “like a Persian” -- mostly because she didn’t know what a virgin was.
Deschanel’s first acting job was as Little Red Riding Hood.
As an adult, Deschanel had a party at one of the American Girl stores.
Deschanel is super competitive at board games. We’d love to be a fly on the wall during game night at her place!