11 Things You Can Only Get Away With in the Star Wars Universe
by Phil Pirrello
The Star Wars universe is pretty much the best... minus a few things. "Kissing your sister"-type things. Here are a few things that only that galaxy far, far away can get away with.
1. Kissing your twin sister
Same, Threepio. Same.
2. Force choking colleagues
Vader's body count is hell on the Empire's HR department.
3. Finding this then walking away like it's NBD
We're not really sure what went down in the Force Cave. But we do know that, unlike Luke, we would not have been so "whatevs" after slicing off our dad's head to find our own face staring back at us.
4. Random decapitations
Well, that escalated rather quickly...
5. This
*eye roll
6. Frolicking around in space fields
Really, Anakin? Really?!
7. Talking about sand to flirt with girls
8. Severing bar patron's limbs
They make HBO shows about this kind of stuff.
9. Shooting first
But we're still #TeamSolo.
10. Breathing like Vader at the work place
There's probably some kind of HR violation here.
11. Taking your daddy issues out on office equipment
You break it, you buy it. Also, you're fired.