'The Flash' Season 4 Now Casting 40-Something Actor for New Villain
Start sending your dream casting suggestions over to The CW, in case you come up with the perfect actor to play Barry Allen's new nemesis in "The Flash" Season 4.
TVLine confirmed the exciting, if not-terribly-surprising, news that Barry's next foe is set to be Clifford DeVoe, aka The Thinker. The Thinker will be the first non-speedster big bad, instead using his brilliant mind and technology as weapons. (He also once accepted a mission with DC's "Suicide Squad.")
Fans got some clues to the eventual arrival of Clifford DeVoe during Season 3. First, Abra Kadabra told Barry, "There's Thawne, Zoom, DeVoe... but none of them hurt you like Savitar." And in the finale, Savitar looked at S.T.A.R. Labs and said, "This is where we came up with the cerebral inhibitor... to use against DeVoe." Barry didn't know the name, and Savitar said, "You haven't gotten there yet."
He'll get there soon. TVLine added that "Casting is now underway for a 40something actor to play what one might call 'the fastest mind.'" If you're curious, the site's comments are filled with fan suggestions for the role, even if they don't always stick within the "40-something" range.
"The Flash" Season 4 premieres this fall on The CW.
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