The 5 Easiest Ways to Celebrate 'Star Trek' 50 Last-Minute
Today has been 50 years in the making -- we've reached the golden anniversary of "Star Trek." Even with all that advance notice, though, you may still be scrambling to come up with the perfect way to celebrate the groundbreaking sci-fi series at the last minute. Fortunately, there are plenty of easy ways to show your respect without any preparation.
If you thought ahead and already have your favorite "Star Trek" episodes queued up for a viewing party, we salute you. Today is definitely the day to bust out your franchise merchandise and admire your collectors' items if you have them. However, the fun isn't just for die-hard Trekkies. The cultural impact of "Star Trek" is widespread, and we should all honor the series in some way.
How can you celebrate the 50th anniversary of "Star Trek" if you didn't plan your mission ahead of time? Here are five easy ways.
Get involved in the "Star Trek" 50 conversation.
Jean-Luc forever!
— Pat Sissons (@pjsissons) September 8, 2016
Fans are celebrating "Star Trek" on virtually every social media network out there. Adding your thoughts and reading those of others will help you appreciate the series' incredible legacy all the more.
Use Facebook's "Star Trek" reaction.
To celebrate 50 years of @StarTrek, @facebook has change their reactions to a Star Trek theme.
— Good Morning America (@GMA) September 8, 2016
Facebook's reactions got even better today with the addition of a "Star Trek" one. Have fun taking advantage of it while it is around.
Quote the series at every opportunity.
I'll only talk to my husband in quotes from Star Trek today. #StarTrek50 I at least was raised properly #ThankyouDad ????????
— Alicia Fassio DuBose (@AliciaMDuBose) September 8, 2016
You probably have at least one "Star Trek" quote stashed away, so go to town during the series' 50th anniversary. "A madman got us into this, and it's beginning to look like only a madman can get us out."
Remind everyone to "live long and prosper."
#StarTrek50 happy anniversary ????????
— Elman (@apoltrias) September 8, 2016
Whether you want to send the message out via a selfie on social media or tell it to people in person, there's never been a better day for the Vulcan salute.
Take a moment to pretend you're under attack.
In an office? Celebrate #StarTrek50 by pretending you're under attack and all falling to one side then another.
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) September 8, 2016
People might think you're crazy, but David Schneider's tweet about pretending you're on a ship under attack by swaying from side to side at your desk is pretty funny. Bonus if you can get your co-workers to do it too.
The team decided to take @davidschneider's advice & pretend to be under attack to celebrate #StarTrek50 ????
— Koozai (@Koozai) September 8, 2016
Fun, right?
It'll be a long time before a "Star Trek" anniversary this momentous rolls around, so get out there and enjoy it now. Live long and prosper!