The 13 Greatest 'SNL' Digital Shorts, Ranked
Digital Shorts became a beloved staple of "Saturday Night Live" back in 2005 and things have never been the same. It was almost impossible, but we've narrowed 'em all down to 13 and ranked those from worst to best. Get ready to laugh and sing along. Here are the 13 funniest "SNL" digital shorts of all time.
13. 'Doppelgangers'
You may not remember this odd short from where 2006 where Will Forte, Andy Samberg, and Seth Meyers point out each other's doppelgangers in Rockefeller Center. The big joke comes when the guys notice Andy's spitting image -- a homeless man played by Horatio Sans. (Clearly, he looks nothing like Andy.) It's so dumb it works.
12. 'Body Fuzion'
This spot-on '80s aerobics parody video is directed to perfection, with Drew Barrymore playing sensual permed-out instructor Desiree. The fuzzy tape, bad muzak, and Amy Poehler's Donna M. demoing the "easy" version of the moves all make it a very memorable gem.
11. 'The Curse'
What happens if you step on a homeless man's sacred talisman and don't pay him for your mistake? A sexy, greased-up, long-haired, sax-playing beefcake named Sergio will haunt you for the rest of your days. That's what goes down in this wacky short starring Jon Hamm.
10. 'United Way'
Want to watch Peyton Manning beam a bunch of kids in the head with a football? This PSA features the NFL star volunteering with a local youth group, but instead of acting as a great role model, he turns out to be a terrible influence who spouts non-stop insults at the poor children.
9. 'Motherlover'
A follow-up to their famous "D--k in a Box" R&B sensation (more on that later), Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg (as singers Andy and Raif) teamed up to celebrate Mother's Day in a very special way -- sleeping with each other's moms. Susan Sarandon and Patricia Clarkson cameo as said mommas in this sweet music video that's chock full of quotable lines. Remember: "Every mother's day needs a mother's night..."
8. 'Ras Trent'
Ras Trent is like every stoner who listened to raggae we went to high school with. Andy Samberg nails it as a deadlock-wearing Rastafarian wannabe named Ras Trent in this music video. Turns out Ras isn't the most authentic, considering he works at Cold Stone Creamery and lives in a dorm room. That doesn't stop him from trying...
7. 'Laser Cats'
There are 7 "Laser Cats" installments, so we'll just say this represents the whole conceit. It's simple: Bill Hader and Andy Samberg pitch their idea for a sci-fi flick that involves cats who can shoot lasers from their mouths. We don't know if it's the low budget footage of the pair running around the studio, the way they use live cats as guns, or how into it they get -- the whole thing gets us every time.
6. 'Shy Ronnie'
In this musical short, Rihanna and dorky MC Shy Ronnie (Andy Samberg) perform a highly-produced hip-hop track, but it doesn't quite go as planned. Shy Ronnie earned his name for a reason -- he can barely get any words out in front of a crowd. Rihanna gets funnier as she gets more and more visibly annoyed, making auto-tuned RiRi-sounding remarks throughout the failed performance. Just great.
5. 'Iran So Far'
In 2007, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadeinejad was a staple of the news, so of course "SNL" had to jump in and say something up about him. And they did it in the best way possible: A music video where Samberg croons an incredibly catchy love song for Mahmoud, who is played hilariously by Fred Armisen. Fred's wide-eyed expressions as he tours NYC are amazing here, and Adam Levine's smooth hook is the icing on the cake. We still listen to this hot jam to this day.
4. 'Lazy Sunday'
Ah, the one that started it all. You might watch this now for the first time and think it's dated and done, but 2005's "Lazy Sunday" caused a viral frenzy. Chris Parnell and Andy Samberg's DIY "hardcore" rap video about spending a winter Sunday doing boring stuff like going to the movies and eating cupcakes paved the way for future digital shorts (and copycats) everywhere.
3. 'Natalie Raps'
We all know Natalie Portman as a sweet, tame, and studious Harvard alumnus and Hollywood A-lister. But she broke that perception when she rapped (and cursed) like a pro about cheating, doing drugs, and engaging in some other very bad behavior. Did you ever think you'd hear her scream "I'll kill your dog for fun so don't push me!"?
2. 'D--k in a Box'
Back in 2006 one fateful December night, Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg made "SNL" history with this R&B slow jam about giving their ladies the perfect Christmas presents. The song became an instant classic.
1. 'Jack Sparrow'
Warning: If you're going to record a song with Michael Bolton, be prepared to deal with his love for "Pirates of the Caribbean." In this brilliant short, The Lonely Island tries to lay down a track with the singer, only to be interrupted by his verses about... Jack Sparrow. He continues to jump in with hysterically descriptive lyrics about Jonny Depp's character, such as "he's the pauper of the surf, the jester of Tortuga," and the guys' bewildered faces and responses make it that much sillier. Of course, in true Lonely Island fashion, the song (despite the ridiculous premise) is actually really good.