5 Movies Taylor Lautner Never Gets Tired of Watching
Taylor Lautner not only stars in movies, he’s also a huge fan. We got the chance to sit down with Lautner -- whose new movie “Run the Tide” opens December 2, 2016, in select theaters and On Demand / Digital HD -- and we asked him to share some of his all-time favorite movies, along with why he loves them. From nostalgia-fueled ‘90s flicks to a classic or two, here are five of Taylor Lautner’s all-time favorite films.
‘Man on Fire’ (2004)
Taylor Lautner: “It’s a movie where if I find out that anyone has not seen it, I say we are immediately sitting down and watching ‘Man on Fire.’ I think I’ve seen it 30 or 40 times. I could go watch it again right now, easily. I’m a massive fan of [Denzel Washington]. But I think the biggest thing about that movie is the relationship between Denzel and Dakota [Fanning]’s characters. It’s so beautiful, and heartwarming, and heart-wrenching. It’s satisfying. I think that’s the biggest thing that attracts me to it. But Denzel, I could watch him in anything and be entertained.”
‘North by Northwest’ (1959)
“The first time I saw this was when I was getting ready to film a movie, and John Singleton was the director. He was a big 'North by Northwest' fan, so he sat me down and we actually watched it together. So it was a very cool moment for me.”
‘Born on the Fourth of July’ (1989)
“I really loved watching Tom Cruise growing up, and anything Tom Cruise. So I think that was the biggest thing that influenced me. I do love ‘Born on the Fourth of July.’ I think he’s amazing in it.”
‘Braveheart’ (1995)
"'Braveheart' truly is one of my, if not my favorite film of all time. I love 'Braveheart' and everything about it. I think that was the first movie that, like, my dad sits you down to watch. There’s always that one ‘dad movie.’ Like, son, we’re going to watch ‘Braveheart.’ And you’re like, ‘no.’ I think that was it."
‘Tommy Boy’ (1995)
“It’s funny for me, because I always loved ‘Tommy Boy.’ And now knowing and being friends with Mr. David Spade, and actually developing a project with him, is so surreal for me. I’ve been watching him since I was born. I’m just a huge fan of his, and Chris Farley’s."