'Supergirl' Star Thanks Fans for Help to Free Cousin From Anti-Gay Facility
UPDATE: Late Thursday night (6/9), Jeremy Jordan updated with good news: "It's with absolute delight that I can announce Sarah has been released this afternoon from the boarding facility where was being held. Your help and support has been instrumental in this achievement! We still are not sure what the next steps will be but we had a huge victory today. Thank you all for your love and acceptance of my dear cousin." Get more details here.
Original story:
Jeremy Jordan, who plays Winslow "Winn" Schott, Jr. on the TV series "Supergirl," is asking fans for help to free his 17-year-old cousin Sarah from a Christian boarding facility where she was allegedly placed by her parents in an effort to change her sexuality.
Jeremy posted about his cousin on Facebook, and linked to a GoFundMe account created by his brother Joey; in the past few days, they have raised $58,000 out of a goal of $100,000.
If you click on the link, it takes you to the GoFundMe page, with FAQ answering some of the major questions, like, "Where is the money donated going?" Here's that answer:
"It is going to pay legal fees for the lawyers trying to get Sarah released from the Christian boarding facility that her parents placed her in. Sarah's aunt, who brought the suit, hired Christine Andresen, a well-known family law attorney with a lot of experience litigating LGBT issues. Christine's law firm is called CHA Law Group, PC, and its website is ChaLaw.com. Any money collected will go first toward paying Christine's legal fees and our portion of the amicus attorney fess, which thus far have totaled approximately $20,000. Christine has generously agreed to give us a discount from her usual hourly rate, but we still expect the fees to prepare for and conduct the hearing in July to be a multiple of what's been spent so far. If there is any money from the Go Fund Me campaign left over, it will be placed in a college fund for Sarah, since we do not expect her parents to contribute to her college costs if we are successful in having Sarah released."
Jeremy has been steadily tweeting about Sarah, too, and updating fans on her story:
My cousin Sarah, like any other teenager, loves a shameless selfie... Its just sometimes hers includes another (1/5)
— Jeremy Jordan (@JeremyMJordan) June 7, 2016
girl... You can't see it, but the caption of the photo on the left reads "Merry Christmas from two kids in (2/5)
— Jeremy Jordan (@JeremyMJordan) June 7, 2016
love." It BREAKS MY HEART this sweet young girl who's only "issue" is loving another girl has been sent to a (3/5)
— Jeremy Jordan (@JeremyMJordan) June 7, 2016
facility for "troubled teens." News flash, folks, there's nothing wrong with her. #SaveSarah (4/5)
— Jeremy Jordan (@JeremyMJordan) June 7, 2016
https://t.co/mtVHMY1fdI (5/5) pic.twitter.com/5RcOtcOUwH
— Jeremy Jordan (@JeremyMJordan) June 7, 2016
The story has been spreading, and -- so far -- People magazine's post on Jeremy Jordan's effort has more than 190 comments, with fans taking strong stands on both sides -- with the parents and against.
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