Stephen King's 'From a Buick 8' Is His Latest Book Set for the Big Screen
Following the major success of 2017's "It," Hollywood has seen a major outbreak of Stephen King fever, with studios snatching up the beloved horror author's books left and right in order to develop the next huge hit. On Monday, "From a Buick 8" became the latest King property due for a film adaptation.
Deadline reports that Hyde Park Entertainment has secured the rights to the 2002 novel, tapping William Brent Bell to write and direct. Bell is already experienced in the horror genre, having previously directed "The Boy," "The Devil Inside," "Wer," and "Stay Alive."
According to Deadline, "From a Buick 8" continues a curious subgenre for King: The evil vintage car. The author previously tackled that subject in the 1983 novel "Christine"; it was made into a feature film later that same year. No one has put "Buick" on the big screen yet, though horror master George Romero was once attached to an adaptation.
Here's a rundown on "Buick," per the trade:
'From a Buick 8' centers around the rural town of Statler, Pennsylvania where the state police have kept a mysterious 1954 Buick Roadmaster in the shed behind the barracks for over twenty years. But when the town is plagued by strange and supernatural events, it turns out the Buick isn’t exactly a car- it’s a door to another dimension.
Sounds bonkers -- which is exactly how we like Stephen King. No word yet on when the film is expected to enter production.
[via: Deadline]